WWe e eekkllyy
By Manny SandovalIn a decisive move to reinvigorate the city's downt o w n a r e a , t h e S a n Bernardino City Council unanimously approved a $5 7 mill i o n b u d g e t f o r e c o n o m i c d e v e l o p m e n t a d d i t i o n s a n d improvements on September 12, 2023 The comprehensive p l a n i n c l u d e s h i r i n g m o r e police for downtown, social s e r v i c e w o r k e r s , p a r k p o s itions, and creating new roles to support local businesses

David Friedman, co-owner of Realicore and Viva La Boba, emphasized the importance of s u p p o r t i n g l o c a l b u s i n e s s e s
"For instance, in downtown Redlands on State Street, those small businesses bring in 6X the tax revenue than Mountain G r o v e a n d C i t r u s P l a z a Shopping Centers Small businesses keep our cities alive," Friedman said
He further highlighted the diff e r e n c e b e t w e e n l o c a l a n d chain businesses, noting, "If you support a local business, that money stays in our community "
The city's new initiatives include:

1 A business retention economic development employee who will liaise with small businesses to understand and support their specific needs
2 A business outreach position to help small businesses expand

3 Hiring additional police for downtown to enhance safety and cleanliness
4 Engaging more social service workers and park positions to ensure parks are clean and free from after-hour activities
5 Hiring two consultants each for federal and state lobbying e ff o r t s t o b r i n g s i g n i f i c a n t funds for the city
Friedman also discussed the c o l l a b o r a t i v e a p p r o a c h between the new police hires and social workers "They'll work with businesses and residents and identify the unique issues we face downtown It's a Development cont on next pg
By Manny SandovalDuring a time where many seniors are going without mobility aids d u e t o p r o h i b i t i v e c o s t s , Arrowhead United Way and Never Stop Grinding Impact distributed much-needed walkers and more at the Grace Vargas Senior Center on September 25

According to a report from the California Department of Aging, a significant number
o f s e n i o r s i n t h e s t a t e l i v e o n f i x e d incomes, making it challenging to afford essential items like walkers, bedside commodes, and crutches The cost of these aids can range from $50 to $300, a price tag that is often out of reach for many
About two dozen seniors, aware of the v a l u e a n d i m p o r t a n c e o f t h e s e i t e m s , eagerly lined up at 11:30 AM One senior r e c i p i e n t , r e f l e c t i n g t h e s e n t i m e n t s o f many, remarked, “This is such an amazing
deal What a Godsend, especially since so many seniors try to walk by themselves and end up falling ”
Darious Harris, Founder and CEO of Never Stop Grinding Impact, was handson throughout the event Assisting with the distribution, Harris, with a pallet jack, unloaded boxes, disposed of pallets, and loaded items into vehicles His mother's

softer touch but a proactive approach "
The Economic Development Advisory Ad Hoc Sub-Committee, established to examine significant projects and provide recommendations, will play a pivotal role in these revitalization efforts This sub-committee, comprising three members of the City Council, will focus on the downtown core for at most twelve months
Interim City Manager Charles McNeely shared his vision for the city's economic development "We are redoing the business permitting process, making it easy and attractive for businesses to set up here," McNeely said He emphasized the importance of proactively recruiting businesses and
involvement in handling registration and the assortment of goods made the event a family-driven mission
“Today we are giving back to our seniors I've done plenty of free dental and vision events here at Grace Vargas Senior Center and I thought it was important to come back and provide essential mobility items to our seniors,” said Harris Harris, a Rialto native, emphasized the significance of community support “It's such a blessing to give back to the seniors, especially in the city that I come from Thank you to everyone who
understanding their needs "Our businesses are our greatest local ambassadors," he added
McNeely concluded by saying, "Also, the council's unwavering commitment to economic development is commendable Their vision and dedication are the driving forces behind these transformative initiatives I wholeheartedly give them kudos for making this happen and aligning resources to realize our shared vision for San Bernardino "
With the council prioritizing economic development, San Bernardino is poised for a transformative phase, aiming to restore its downtown area to its former prominence and ensure a brighter future for its residents and businesses
made this possible, thank you to Inland Empire Community News and everyone who supports our movement We are never going to stop grinding and will always make an impact,” he concluded Other items given away with the standing and sitting wheelchairs included commodes and crutches
This event underscored the pressing needs of the senior community in the Inland Empire and the broader state of California With the rising costs of essential items, initiatives like these, supported by organizations like Arrowhead United Way and Never Stop Grinding Impact, are not just acts of charity but essential lifelines for seniors striving for independence and dignity
San Ber nardino County Leader s Unveil New Animal Car e Center Sign
Community News

San Bernardino County leaders on Wednesday unveiled a "coming soon" sign for a new state-of-the-art Animal Care Center in Bloomington
The 61,000-square-foot shelter and care facility will offer top-level onsite veterinary care, dedicated dog and cat enrichment areas, and spacious kennels for pets as they await their forever homes
“This is a huge win for the County of San Bernardino,” said County Supervisor Joe Baca, Jr , whose Fifth District includes Bloomington “We're excited to bring this countywide service to the Bloomington community, addressing a need we've recognized for some time now The new Animal Care Center is our pledge to a safer and more loving environment for every animal in our care It's a step forward, ensuring countless animals find the care they deserve in a modernized setting As families look to adopt, they'll find their perfect match here I want to express my deep gratitude to Assembly Majority Leader Emeritus Eloise Gómez Reyes, the Board of Supervisors and our dedicated county staff for their unwavering commitment and hard work "
San Bernardino County currently offers animal care services at the Devore and Big Bear animal shelters Since the beginning of this year, over 4,200 dogs and cats were taken into the Devore Animal Shelter
“We have outgrown our Devore shelter and we are in desperate need of more space,” said San Bernardino County Chief Executive Officer Luther Snoke “With the new facility, we are going to dou-
ble our capacity ”
The project cost estimate is $45 million, which includes the demolition of existing obsolete facilities and construction of the new building Completion is expected in spring 2026
“Our new Animal Care Center will not only offer the opportunity to provide services to our animals and residents, but it will also offer the opportunity to strengthen existing partnerships with our community and build new ones,” said Joshua Dugas, director of the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health, which oversees County Animal Care
For more information about animals available for adoption in San Bernardino County’s Big Bear and Devore shelters, please visit animalcare sbcounty gov/pets or call (800) 472-5609 To make a donation to assist animals at the shelter, please visit www arffund org
San Bernardino County is a diverse public service organization serving America’s largest county that for two consecutive years has led the nation in awards for innovation, efficiency and outstanding public service We are governed by an elected Board of Supervisors and dedicated to creating a community where nearly 2 2 million residents can prosper and achieve well-being in fulfillment of the Countywide Vision It is comprised of 42 departments and agencies, which are staffed by more than 22,000 public service professionals who provide a wide range of vital services in the areas of public safety, health care, social services, economic and community development and revitalization, fiscal services, infrastructure, recreation and culture, and internal support
Super visor Baca Jr. and Councilman
Echevar ria Honor Colton's Legendar y 2023 Youth Spor ts Teams at City Hall
By Manny SandovalIn a grand event held on September 20th, 2023 at the Colton City Hall, the city's Recreation and Parks Commission spotlighted the accomplishments of local youth sports teams that have elevated the community's spirit and reputation
The teams that were recognized include:
Colton Nighthawks Carl Rimbaugh All Stars
Colton Pony Youth Soccer
Colton Tee Ball Ken Hubbs Little League
Supervisor Joe Baca Jr and Councilman John Echevarria presented each team with a certificate of recognition, acknowledging their hard work,
dedication, and contribution to Colton's sports legacy
The council chambers were abuzz with excitement as over 100 proud parents and families filled the room The atmosphere was electric, with attendees eagerly awaiting the moment their child would step onto the Dias, receive their certificate, and shake hands with the city's leaders
Colton has always had a robust sports following, and the recognition of these teams further cements the city's commitment to nurturing and celebrating local talent
The dedication and perseverance of these young athletes have not only made their families proud but have also earned the admiration and respect of the local government and the broader community
Humane Society of San Ber nardino Valley Hosts A Blessing of Animals
By IECN StaffJoin the Humane Society of San Bernardino Valley in giving thanks and remembrance for animals on Wednesday, October 4, 2022 at 5:30 p m (doors will open at 5:15 pm) with a service for the Blessing of the Animals
The brief service will be followed by individual blessings of the animals It is highly encouraged to arrive promptly ay 5:15 pm
Bring your family and leashtrained or kenneled, non-aggressive pet to a service led by Pastor Woody Hall Animals of every kind are invited to this special ceremony
The service will feature prayer, readings, and music Prayer will also be offered for the families of pets who have passed away, as well as all living animals
The service will be held in the Joyce Martin Education Center at the Humane Society of San Bernardino Valley (374 W Orange Show Road, San
Bernardino) This event is free to attend Drinking water for pets will be available
Participants are welcome to bring pet photos and mementos for sharing, as they celebrate, honor, and remember the precious animals that have blessed their lives with love and loyalty
Community members who cannot attend are also welcome to email messages to jhenderson@hssbv org or post message to the HSSBV Facebook page to be added to the Remembrance Board, which will be shared during the ceremony
For more information, please call (909) 386-1400 ext 224
The Humane Society of San Bernardino Valley operates a vital low-cost spay/neuter and vaccination clinic, has a humane education program for children in grades K-6, and has two cruelty investigators on staff to address abuse and neglect of pets in our community Without your support, these programs would not be possible
Ahouse fire on Monday, September 25, 2023, at 4:38 a m , has left one person dead and another in grave condition in San Bernardino

The San Bernardino County Fire Department responded to a call about a residential fire on the 500 block of West 14th Street, near West Magnolia & North "E" Street The incident, Residential Structure Fire with Fatality (BDC 23-237974), saw initial 911 callers reporting a roof in flames
Upon arrival, crews found a single-story home heavily engulfed Challenges arose with downed power lines in
the front yard and metal-barred windows, but firefighters quickly gained access There were reports of potential victims trapped inside
"We faced immediate challenges with the downed power lines and barred windows, but our team's swift action ensured we could get inside as quickly as possible," said Mike McClintock, Battalion Chief/PIO
Inside, rescue crews found one victim and began Advanced Life Support care The adult was rushed to a nearby hospital in grave condition Tragically, a second individual was found deceased
The fire was under control within 20 minutes of the department's arrival Firefighters noted blocked interior cor-
ridors, barred exterior windows, and a lack of working smoke detectors in the residence The cause of the fire remains under investigation
The response included five engines, a ladder truck, a chief officer, and four fire investigators from the San Bernardino County Fire Department
The department urges residents to ensure they have working smoke detectors on each floor and in every bedroom of their homes They also emphasize the importance of having and practicing an escape plan
For more information, contact Mike McClintock at mmcclintock@sbcfire org
O c t . 1 4 O p e n H o u s e H i g h l i g h t s F i r e P r e v e n t i o n W e e k
Community News
Riverside Community Hospital (RCH) partnered with the Riverside Police Department and City of Riverside Fire Department on Wednesday, September 20 for an active shooter exercise (DRILL) inside the hospital’s Emergency Room and parts of the campus, including medical office buildings
The main objectives for the drill were to enhance interagency communications between RCH, police, the fire dept and AMR, and handle the potential medical surge in patients in the event of a shooting
The hospital will soon initiate a disaster command center as the Emergency Room prepares for an influx in patients
L A A r e a T r i b a l L e a d e r s , L a w E n f o r c e m e n t L e a r n A b o u t N e w To o l t o S t e m
E p i d e m i c o f V i o l e n c e A g a i n s t M i s s i n g a n d M u r d e r e d N a t i v e A m e r i c a n W o m e n
Community News
Tribal leaders, California Native American Legislative Caucus Chairperson Assemblymember James C Ramos (D-San Bernardino), and law enforcement will gather at 5:30 p m on Tuesday, September 26 to learn about implementation of a new law notifying the public when California Native American persons go missing
Ramos authored the measure, AB 1314, known as the Feather Alert, similar to other notification systems such as the AMBER or Silver Alerts used when children are abducted or missing or when seniors are missing Ramos is the first and only California Native American elected to the legislature in the state’s history
Violence against Native American people and in particular against women and girls is a persistent crisis facing tribes across the country Indigenous women are currently victims of murder at rates more than 10 times the national average
California, with more Native Americans than any other state, has the sixth highest death rate of indigenous women in urban areas, and crimes against Native American women are seven times less likely to be solved than any other demographic
The new Feather Alert system will help law enforcement more quickly notify the public and produce leads to help find the missing individuals Ramos has conducted three similar events over the past year in Fresno, San Bernardino and Mendocino Counties for the local tribes and law enforcement in those regions
The Redlands Fire Department will host its annual Open House from 10 a m to 2 p m Saturday, Oct 14, at Fire Station 261, 525 E Citrus Ave , in support of Fire Prevention Week
This fun and educational event is slated to include demonstrations of CPR, “Jaws of Life” rescue tools, and our new aerial ladder truck, as well as children’s activities including meeting Sparky the Fire Dog and fire station tours
The Redlands Fire Department is teaming up with the National Fire Protection Association®, the official sponsor of Fire Prevention WeekTM, Oct 8-12, to promote this year ’s Fire Prevention Week campaign, “Cooking safety starts with YOU Pay attention to fire preventionTM ” The campaign works to educate everyone about simple but important actions they can take when cooking to keep themselves and those around them safe
According to NFPA, cooking is the leading cause of home fires and home fire injuries in the United States Unattended cooking is the leading cause of cooking fires and deaths
“Year after year, cooking remains the leading cause of home fires by far, accounting for half (49 percent) of all U S home fires,” said Lorraine Carli, vice president of outreach and advocacy at NFPA “These numbers tell us that there is still much work to do when it comes to better educating the public about ways to stay safe when cooking ”
The Redlands Fire Department encourages all residents to embrace the 2023 Fire Prevention Week theme, “Cooking safety start with YOU ” Simple ways to promote cooking safety include:
• Watch what you heat Always keep a close eye on what you are cooking Set a timer to remind you that you are cooking
• Turn pot handles toward the back of the stove Always keep a lid nearby when cooking If a small grease fire starts, slide the lid over the pan and turn off the burner
• Have a “kid- and pet-free zone” of at least three feet around the stove or grill and anywhere else hot food or drink is prepared or carried
To find out more about Fire Prevention Week programs and activities in Redlands please contact the Community Risk Reduction Division at (909) 798-7601 or fireprevention@cityofredlands org
For general information about Fire Prevention Week and cooking safety, visit www fpw org For fire safety fun for kids, visit sparky org
Redlands Fire Department press releases and other information are available on the Redlands Fire Department Facebook page at www facebook com/redlandsfiredepartment or on the City’s website at cityofredlands org/fire-department
CSUSB Exhibition Afróntalo’ Focuses on Mexico’s Afr o-descendent Communities and Afr o-descendant Latinos
Community News
Visitors packed the Anthropology Museum on Sept 21 at Cal State San Bernardino to mark the formal opening of the new exhibition, “Afróntalo,” which directs the focus on the often-underrepresented and overlooked history and culture of Mexico’s Afrodescendent communities
“‘Afróntalo’ represents a unique and invaluable effort to shed light on the often-underrepresented narratives of the Costa Chica region in Oaxaca and Guerrero, Tamiahua in Veracruz, Coyolillo in Veracruz and Mascogos in Coahuila,” said Hazel Blackmore, the executive director of Mexico-United States Commission for Educational and Cultural Exchange (COMEXUS) “These communities have long held vibrant cultures and histories that deserve to be showcased and celebrated on the world stage ”
Those vibrant cultures are on display at the Anthropology Museum, located on the third floor of CSUSB’s College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, through June 19
Visitors to the exhibition are greeted with art and objects and descriptive displays divided into two sections: one curated by representatives of four Afro-descendant communities in Mexico, and another presenting biographies and original portraits of 21 Afrolatine Californians
And over both is a colorful mural, stretching about two stories high from floor to ceiling, painted by artist Julio “Honter” Antuna Lopez, depicting scenes related to the Afro-descendant communities
“One in four Latin Americans has African ancestry,” the exhibition’s introductory panel states on a 10-foot tapestry crafted by CSUSB student Alessandro Corsaro that hangs at the museum entrance “And yet, there is a general deficit of knowledge regarding the presence and prevalence of blackness throughout the Americas This is more than a simple matter of obscurity It is a problem of erasure, invisibility and dislocation Afróntalo introduces you to four communities in Mexico and twenty-one Californians, all in their own words, to explore the depth and breadth of Afrolatine histories, cultures and identities ”
The four communities that partnered with the Anthropology Museum to bring this exhibition to life are: Tamiahua (Veracruz state, lead curator Doris Careaga-Coleman), Coyolillo (Veracruz state, lead curator Daniela Carreto López), the Negros Mascogos (Coahuila state, lead curator Karla Rivera Tellez), and the Costa Chica region (Oaxaca and Guerrero states, lead curator Sergio Navarrete Pellicer)
All four curators attended the opening reception, which was highlighted by performances by Danza Afrobalele, led by López, and rappers La Cruda Mora Both are affiliated with Centro Cultural Comunitario Casa Coyolillo (the Community Cultural Center of Coyolillo), better known as Casa Coyolillo
Lead curators and their teams were trained in curation and exhibition development by María Fernanda Yáñez Uribe from Museo de Arte Popular in Mexico City
Each curatorial team chose their own focus for the exhibition:
For Tamiahua, the focus is cuisine, cooking, fishing and connecting community traditions to Africa and other Afro-descendant communities in the Americas
The Coyolillo portion focuses on the joys of the community and Blackness, highlighting life in the town, located in Veracruz, that has a rich Afro-descendant heritage
For the Costa Chica community, the focal point is three Afro-descendant dances from the region, with props used in the Danza de la Tortuga (Dance of the Turtle), Danza de Vaqueros (Dance of the Cattle Herders) and Danza de los Diablos

(Dance of the Devils), lining one wall
As for the Negros Mascogos, the exhibit follows the history of enslaved Afro-descendants who made their way to Mexico
“As a Hispanic-Serving Institution, we are always eager to take advantage of opportunities to celebrate the histories, the cultures, present on our campus and in the larger world around us Hispanic Heritage Month is definitely one such occasion,” said CSUSB President Tomás D Morales in his welcoming remarks
The Afrolatine culture is a vibrant part of the Hispanic world, Morales said, pointing to his own Afro-descendant roots from Puerto Rico “This exhibit brings awareness, and provides access to those who view the exhibit, either in person or virtually,” he said, announcing that by the end of the academic year, “Afróntalo” will have a permanent space online with a virtual exhibit developed by CSUSB’s office of Academic Technologies & Innovation
And, to take advantage of the exhibition’s fall and spring run, Morales said, “I am committed to having as many school children come from San Bernardino, Riverside County, to learn about their roots, particularly those from Mexico and Latin America ”

The curators, Blackmore and Matthew Robinson, a program director for the U S Department of Education, credited Anthropology Museum director Arianna Huhn for bringing together the people and resources that became “Afróntalo ” While Sept 22 marked the opening of the exhibition, it also was a celebration of the more than two-year effort to develop it
Robinson, who manages the Fullbright Hays Seminars Abroad Program, said the genesis of “Afróntalo,” can be traced to a four-week 2021 seminar, “Exploring African Heritage in Mexico,” organized by COMEXUS He called the work and the resulting exhibition “exemplary because although Dr Huhn’s time abroad in Mexico for the seminar was just four weeks, the activities that stemmed from that experience continue two years later, with meaningful impacts that will continue to inspire and inform this and many other communities ”
While the main focus is the museum exhibit, the Anthropology Museum organized a slate of programs in the days leading to the opening of “Afróntalo,” with presentations for the campus community by representatives of the exhibition’s four partner communities
And more are planned both on and off campus Visit the Anthropology Museum website for updates
The exhibition has been made possible in part with grants from California Humanities, the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the U S Embassy in Mexico’s Understanding African Heritage in Mexico through Exchanges Fund, which funded the participation of the exhibition’s curatorial team from Mexico in the opening programs of Afróntalo

Additional sponsors of opening week celebration programming include: The College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Office of the Dean, the Division of Student Affairs, the College of Extended and Global Education, the Office of the Provost, the Office of Student Research, the Office of Community Engagement, the Department of Art and Design, the College of Arts and Letters Office of the Dean, the Intellectual Life Fund, the Department of Theatre Arts, Los Amigos Spanish Club and University Advancement
The Anthropology Museum’s hours are 8 a m4:30 p m Monday through Friday During the run of “Afróntalo,” the museum will also be open the second Saturday of each month
San Ber nardino County Receives Unpr ecedented $2 Million Grant fr om Assembl ymember Reyes f or Mental Health Facility Upg rades
By Manny SandovalIn a significant move to bolster mental health services in San Bernardino County, the Wellspring Crisis Residential Treatment Center in Fontana has been awarded a $2 million grant
The funding, championed by Assembly Majority Leader Emeritus Eloise Gómez Reyes, will be directed towards rehabilitating the facility, ensuring it meets licensing requirements and provides top-tier care for its residents
The Wellspring Center, contracted by San Bernardino County's Department of Behavioral Health (DBH), is one of five crisis residential treatment facilities in the County It is pivotal in providing care for individuals experiencing mental health crises, particularly those grappling with psychosis or at risk of self-harm With the capacity to serve up to 16 residents at any given time and staff available around the clock, the center offers treatment to 100-120 residents annually Notably, over 70% of these residents are either experiencing homelessness or are homeless
"This is a great investment for our vulnerable populations, and it's important that we continue to assist those with mental health issues with the treatment and services they need," said Supervisor Joe Baca, Jr "The ultimate goal for the County is that we expand bed capacity People don't realize many families are struggling and a significant portion of the homeless population in the County needs these services The county board of supervisors is doing everything possible to address these critical issues "
The grant will primarily fund the replacement of the center's residential appliances with commercial-grade alternatives designed for high-volume use Given the facility's high turnover, appliances such as stoves, dishwashers, refrigerators, washers, dryers, and microwaves have seen considerable wear
“This project reflects our commitment to ensure that individuals in San Bernardino County receive the highest quality of care, especially in a residential environment that will serve as their home for up to 90 days while they are in the program receiving services,” said County Behavioral Health Director Georgina Yoshioka
Assembly Majority Leader Eloise Gómez Reyes remarked, "What an honor to present a check for $2 million to the residents of San Bernardino County Knowing that there is a great need for high-quality mental health treatment facilities is vital I appreciate that the supervisors brought this to my attention So when we were putting together our budget, I knew where $2 million needed to go, and we could allocate it here I'm pleased that 100-120 residents receive treatment on-site every year, and that's something to be proud of I'm happy to partner with the County on this incredible initiative "
This grant underscores the County's commitment to enhancing the quality of care for residents and showcases the administration's unwavering support for behavioral health and overall resident wellness

For more details on the Department of Behavioral Health services, visit www sbcounty gov/dbh
Para Limpiar El Air e en Inland Empir e Se Necesita De La AB 126
By Community AdvocateLa medida aumenta los recursos financieros para los programas que combaten la contaminacion producida por los vehiculos de transporte
La sesion legislativa que acaba de terminar en Sacramento fue productiva en la elaboracio ́ n y aprobacio ́ n de medidas para limpiar el aire, especialmente en las comunidades de minori ́ a de Inland Empire en donde se halla la peor contaminacion ambiental
Una cantidad de proyectos ambientales relacionados con el aire, el agua, el viento y transporte, todos ligados a la concrecio ́ n de un medio ambiente limpio, que especialmente afecta al sur de California Esta ́ n a la espera de la promulgacio ́ n del gobernador Newsom
Cabe destacar entre ellas la AB 126 de la asambleista Eloise Gomez Reyes y la senadora Lena Gonzalez ya que tendra un impacto directo en el aire que respiran los residentes de California, al contribuir a reducir la contaminacio ́ n, producto directo de la emisio ́ n de camiones y vehi ́culos de transporte
La region del Inland Empire conoce muy bien ese problema Es un centro neuralgico que alberga los inmensos depositos de Amazon, Walmart, UPS y otros
Esos corredores de mercancias y almacenes de la zona atraen diariamente a miles de camiones diesel que contribuyen a la peor contaminacion por ozono y particulas del pai ́ s
Hay 4,000 almacenes que bordean la regio ́ n y generan unos 600,000 viajes diarios de camiones, que producen la asombrosa cantidad de 50 millones de libras de dioxido de carbono, segun CalMatters
Un camino para lograr la limpieza tan necesaria es la AB126 La medida autorizara ́ aproximadamente 170 millones de do ́ lares anuales durante la pro ́ xima de ́ cada en apoyo del Programa de Transporte Limpio de California
Este es un aumento en el pago de tasas que, en concreto, financiara ́ incentivos a vehi ́culos de emisiones cero, cargadores de vehi ́culos ele ́ ctricos y estaciones de servicio de hidro ́ geno a trave ́ s del Programa de Mejora de la Calidad del Aire, el Programa de Transporte Limpio y el Programa de Modernizacion Mejorada de Flotas
El comu ́ n denominador de estos programas es promover un aire limpio y comunidades saludables, al tiempo que ayudan a ma ́ s familias y pequenas empresas a poder estar al alcance de vehiculos limpios
Estos programas tambien ayudan a retirar los coches mas viejos y contaminantes, proporcionan apoyo para la compra de camiones de cero emisiones y la infraestructura necesaria -como los cargadores- para apoyar la transicio ́ n
La fuerza de la AB 126 es dar prioridad a la equidad exigiendo que la Comision de Energia de California destine al menos el 50% de la financiacion del Programa de Transporte Limpio a proyectos que beneficien directamente a las comunidades "desfavorecidas"
Los residentes del Inland Empire siguen de cerca el futuro de la AB126, el gobernador tiene hasta el 14 de octubre para firmar la ley La medida es fundamental para seguir avanzando en la meta de limpiar el aire para las comunidades latina perjudicadas por el elevado tra ́ nsito de camiones Es un financiamiento de programas importanti ́simos y complementarios
Los legisladores hicieron su parte en continuar el camino hacia la energia renovable con la aprobacion de los proyectos, ahora es el turno de Newsom de demostrar cua ́ n real es su compromiso con el medio ambiente dando su visto bueno al paquete de leyes ambientales aprobada esta sesio ́ n
als and lien charges together with costs of advertising and expenses of sa e Clear Choice Lien Service Inc P O Box 159009 San Diego CA 92175 CNS-3741856# PUBLISHED EL CHICANO 9/28/23 E-8584 NOTICE
Public Sale Information: The Sa t Lake County Constab e s Office will sell to the highest qualified bidder in public the property described below, on 10/24/2023 at 10:00 am (Mountain) at the fo owing ocation: The courthouse front steps of the Third District Court 8080 S Redwood Road West Jordan UT 84088 The opening b d by the Lender / Secured Party, will be $199 905 71 or such other amount Lender / Secured Party deems suff cient and appropriate Winning bidder must pay non-refundable deposit of $5 000 00 in the form of certified funds (bank cashier s check/money order), payable to Lender: DHM Industr es Inc with remainder of sale proceeds paid by electronic funds transfer (EFT) or w re on or before 10/25/2023 at 2:00 pm (Mountain) Upon such sa e you will no longer have any r ght to the property sold and the proceeds from such sale w be used to reduce the ob igations owed to the lender and secured creditor DHM Industries Inc until such obligations have been satisfied n full You may request informat on or accounting by calling or sendng an email to Spencer Macdonald, (385) 442-6690, spencer@the nvestorsedge co
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors contingent creditors and persons who may be otherwise interested in the will or estate or both of:
A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by SYLVIA JIMENEZ in the Superior Court of California County of SAN BERNARDINO
THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that SYLVIA JIMENEZ be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent
THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act (This authority allows the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval Before taking certain actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action ) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to this petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority
A HEARING on the petition wi l be held on 11-15-2023 at 9:00 A M in Dept F-1 located at 17780 ARROW BOULEVARD FONTANA CALIFORNIA 92335
IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should either appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney
IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the decedent you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisement of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in
Code Section 1250
A Request for Special Notice form is available from the Court Clerk
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause if any, why the pet tion for change of name should not be granted Any person objecting to the name changes described above must f
Marching f or IE Families: $22K R aised in Fight Against Childhood Cancer, '30 Gift Cards in 30 Days' Challenge Aiming to Amplify Momentum
By IECN StaffIn a heartwarming display of community support, over 1,000 registered walkers took to the streets on Sunday, September 24th, raising more than $22,000 for the Childhood Cancer Foundation of Southern California (CCFSC)

The annual event, held during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, saw participants march from the CCFSC headquarters on Mountain View Ave , located in the Clark's Grocery shopping center, to the courtyard between Loma Linda University Medical Center and the college campus
The event celebrated the resilience of children battling cancer and recognized individuals and families who made notable contributions Awards were presented to the most spirited family, the top donor, the youngest, and the oldest walker
Founded in 1979 by a group of parents with children diagnosed with cancer, CCFSC, formerly known as Candlelighters, has been a beacon of hope for families in Southern California The organization, which achieved non-profit status in 1981, now supports over 800 families, offering emotional, social, educational, and emergency assistance

"Support begins at the moment of diagnosis and remains available through every stage of treatment and beyond," the foundation states Since its inception, CCFSC has provided services to over 2,000 pa-
tients and their families
However, the battle against childhood cancer is not just medical Many families in California face severe financial hardships, often having to make painful decisions like selling their homes or cars to afford treatment CCFSC has launched the "30 gift cards in 30 days" challenge to address this This initiative seeks donations of $10 gift cards from food establishments or restaurants to support families during their child's treatment
"Gift cards help to minimize some of the stressors our families experience during their stay Donating $10 gift cards from local restaurants, coffee shops, or stores can help offset some of their expenses while giving them PERMISSION to step away Together, we can make an impact, and together, we can help a family heal," says Julie Gonzalez, a 4800 Social Worker
How to Help:
Physical Gift Cards: Mail or drop off at CCF Office - 11155 Mountain View Ave, Suite 105, Loma Linda Attn: Unit 4800
E-Gift Cards: Email kids@ccfsocal org with a note/message: Unit 4800
Monetary Donations: Via Zelle at kidseccfsocal org or Venmo at ccfsocal Add note/message: Unit 4800
For more information or to get involved, visit the Childhood Cancer Foundation of Southern California's website at ccfsocal org