Vol 58, NO. 41
October 01, 2020
Mural painting and garden beautifies, unites San Bernardino community
The community garden mural painting reads “Huerta,” which means “garden” in English.
First American Indian Veterans memorial breaks ground Pg. 5
By Manny B. Sandoval
uerta del Valle, an organization specializing in community gardening, urban farming and educational programming, developed one acre of unused land at 1455 E. 3rd Street in San Bernardino to develop a community garden
On September 5, a group of local artists began collaborating on a mural at the forthcoming garden which reads, “Huerta del Valle,” meaning “valley garden” in English.
The mural design and commu-
nity garden include values close to the heart of the San Bernardino community, “Respect, Unity, Responsibility and Justice.” The team of artists is made up of young local artists and community organizers including Ana Cervantes, Sarah Rain Devine, Alejandro Gutierrez Chavez,
Alcira Mendoza, Edgar Perez Peña, Cynthia Morales, James Ojeda, and Jorge Osvaldo Heredia, director of The Garcia Center for the Arts. “What is special about this garden space is that there’s a real effort for it to be a community Garden, cont. on next pg.
Widespread and pandemic-created scams to beware of
Inland doctor donates $45K to support distance learning Pg. 7
Inland Empir e Co mmunity Newspaper s Office: (909) 381-9898 Editorial: iecn1@mac.com Advertising: sales@iecn.com Legals : iecnlegals@hotmail.com
Examples of fraudulent text messages and emails that seem legitimate luring people to click on the hyperlink that may be malware or directed to another site to obtain consumer’s personal and sensitive information. FBI Agent Bill Murdoch emphatically insists we avoid touching the link. By Maryjoy Duncan
f it’s too good to be true, it generally is. That is the message that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), California Attorney General’s Office, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and Riverside County District Attorney’s Office
underlined during a virtual meeting hosted by Ethnic Media Services aimed at warning the community of prevalent scams as well as new ones generated by the pandemic.
“People are far more likely to avoid a scam if they hear about it,” FTC Associate Director
Division of Consumer Response and Operations Monica Vaca noted. The top reported scam in the Inland Empire is online shopping orders never arriving; those include critical items such as facemasks and hand sanitizers, Vaca indicated.
Additional scams involve treatments and tests, revenue opportunities, fabricated tracking information of online orders, and threats of eviction. Chief Deputy District Attorney of Riverside County Kelli Catlett Scams, cont. on next pg.