Vol 60, NO. 45
Nov. 02, 20 23
San Ber nardino City Council Condemns Racist Incident at Press Conference, Absence of Members Underlines Division
A San Bernardino Student’s Capital Scholar Experience Interning at the Smithsonian Pg. 4
(Photo #1) The audience filled with city leaders, school board fixtures, community advocates, business owners, SBPD, and the public united, supporting the condemnation. (Photo #2) Kimberly Calvin, Ben Reynoso, and Damon Alexander - the only council members attending the press conference condemning racism. (Photo #3) Mayor Helen Tran condemning racism on the steps of San Bernardino City Hall on October 23, 2023.
By manny Sandoval
n October 23, San Bernardino City Hall's steps supported a heartfelt press conference. There, City Councilmembers and Mayor Helen Tran publicly denounced the racist comments from an October 18 city council meeting. However, the absence of four key council members deepened the community's wounds.
Councilman Ben Reynoso articulated the city's racial challenges, stating, "It's our fault that it happened, and we take the blame. San Bernardino is no stranger to racism. I'm black and Mexican. What do you think it was like growing up here? I watched race riots in my school. Hearing Amy assaulted like that, that's not the story it has to be. Let our response reflect through our policies. Let us represent all people. And until that happens, I won't be satisfied."
Reflecting a similar sentiment, Councilmember Kimberly Calvin said, "Last Wednesday, I was stunned. But when you're working to make a better San Bernardino, embracing everyone, it becomes heavy to bear a statement like that. This didn't just happen to black people; it happened to everyone in the room. We have to accept responsibility." Mayor Helen Tran emphasized unity, SB City cont. on next pg.
SBVC Students Engage in Real-World Real Estate Development Experience in Rialto
The Black and Brown Opportunities for Profit Center Hosts “Unlocking Access and Capital to Advance Women of Color Entrepreneurs” Pg. 5
Inland Gateway Specific Plan Empir e Community Canceled: Community Newspaper s BBQ Signals Victory for Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Environmental Justice
Pg. 8
Inland Empir e Co mmunity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381-9898
Edi tori al: i ecn1@ mac.com
A dvertisi ng: iecn1@ mac .com
Legals: iecn legals@gmail.com
By manny Sandoval
n a novel collaboration aiming to merge education with real-world experiences, Tomorrow’s Talent partnered with San Bernardino Valley College (SBVC) and Birtcher Development, a prominent family-owned industrial real estate development firm.
Over 30 SBVC students were welcomed at the Rialto located Birtcher Logistics Center in October to witness the intricate process of concrete wall panel raising. More than just observing, these students engaged directly with real estate experts, obtaining insights into the multifaceted world of entitlement, planning, design, development, construction, project management, and engineering.
The panel of seasoned professionals hosted a roundtable discussion, sharing their wealth of knowledge and experience. This event not only allowed students to see the theoretical concepts they study come alive but also allowed them to network with industry professionals.
Ginger Ontiveros, CEO of Tomorrow’s Talent, spoke about the significance of such
PHOTO Birtcher Development.
events. “Birtcher Development inspires us. They’re opening up their entire development process to create unique learning experiences for students, and we are honored to help make them happen,” Ontiveros remarked. “Their panel raising provided a memorable backdrop for local college students to see how the concepts they Students cont. on next pg.