El Chicano 11 07 19

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Vol 57, NO. 46

November 07, 2019

Asm. Reyes, Dolores Huer ta convene leader s to end child pover ty Community News


Pg. 3

ssemblywoman Eloise Reyes, Dolores Huerta and Conway Collis, cochair of the state Lifting Children and Families Out of Poverty Task Force and leader of the EndChildPovertyCA.org campaign, convened community leaders on Thursday, Oct. 31 to discuss child poverty in San Bernardino and to work together to urge state lawmakers to finish implementing the Task Force plan to end deep child poverty in California. Participants met at the headquarters at the Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino.

Gover nor’s exper t on homelessness visits SB County

"We all know that poverty doesn't happen by chance. It's a direct result of public policy and generational poverty," Assemblymember Reyes said as she called for further action on the Task Force Plan. "In San Bernardino County, 345,000 people live in poverty, and children

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Pg. 5

Poverty, cont. on next pg.


Assemblymember Eloise Gómez Reyes (middle) in partnership with Dolores Huerta (right) and Conway Collis (left), co-chair of the state Lifting Children and Families Out of Poverty Task Force and leader of the EndChildPovertyCA.org campaign convened community leaders on October 31st to discuss child poverty in San Bernardino at Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino.

The Rotar y Club of San Ber nardino celebrates 100 year s of ser vice By Manny B. Sandoval


LLUH perfor ms IE’s first spinal ab lati on sur ger y

Pg. 12

INSIDE Gloria’s Corner


Words To Think About 5 Opinion


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he Rotary Club of San Bernardino celebrated 100 years of service on Saturday, October 19. The celebration was held at the Arrowhead Country Club where rotary members celebrated with dinner, dancing, raffles, cocktails; attendees included San Bernardino Mayor John Valdivia, along with many other local dignitaries. “The Rotary celebrated its 100 years by donating 100 backpacks to the San Bernardino YMCA; next we’re donating 100 reading books…followed by donating 100 bell ringers to the Salvation Army. Everything’s going to be celebrated in 100’s this year,” said Harry Holmes, Rotary Club of San Bernardino President.

third graders, awarding teachers for their character education, and providing shoes to underprivileged children,” Holmes said.

“For 100 years our organization has been providing student scholarships through the Rotary Life Program, donating dictionaries to

The service organization, which is compiled of four sections including club service, vocational service, community service and



The Rotary Club of San Bernardino celebrates its 100-year anniversary by unveiling the Rotary Plaza sign at the San Manuel Stadium. international service, also celebrated the unveiling of its Rotary Plaza sign at the San Manuel Stadium, home of the Inland Empire 66ers.

Tuesday meeting at the stadium and it was a great day revealing the new sign, which is located in front of the stadium,” continued Holmes.

“We wanted to provide a visually appealing sign to the property. We actually held our weekly

The Rotary of San Bernardino currently has 50 members and is Rotary, cont. on next pg.

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