Vol 58, NO. 49
November 26, 2020
Marion Schick of San Ber nardino celebrates 102nd bir tday
By Ricardo Tomboc
Shir rell McCarey is 2 0 2 0 Ve t e r a n o f t h e Ye a r Pg. 5
n Monday, November 16th, Marion Schick celebrated her 102nd birthday with a small group of friends and family. Finding one of the few indoor seating restaurants in town, the Pepper Steak Restaurant in Highland was a choice location for this event. Marion has been a resident of San Bernardino for over 75 years. Marion moved to San Bernardino in 1945 when she moved from Summit, Illinois at age 27 to be closer to her uncle. Marion worked 35 years at Sears, Roebuck and Company that was at one time located at 543 3rd Street, behind the Harris Company. Marion starting pay was 67 cents an hour, where she worked in the Sporting Goods Department and was able to develop an expertise with shotguns, handguns, ammunition, and all the other sporting goods.
Marion attended Central Christian Church on 16th & G St. for 25 years, and in 1950 started volunteering at the Valley Light House for the Blind. She also volunteered with the “Indoor Sport & Outdoor Sport” as a “Good Sport Helper.” The “Indoor Sport & Outdoor Sport” was a nonprofit organization that helped people with disabilities and referred to their volunteers as “Good Sports”. One of Marion’s passions was to volunteer with the San Bernardino AARP Chapter 224, where she served as their Secretary-Treasurer for over 50 years. AARP Chapter 224 was a Ballroom Dancing group that at one time had its own live band. Two of Marion’s favorite restaurants are the Mexico Café and the old Mediterranean Restaurant on Highland Ave. Marion is a low-tech senior, Marion, cont. on next pg.
Marion Schick celebrated her 102nd birthday with an intimate group of friends and family
Nor th End Neighborhood Association hosts Clean-up Day By Ricardo Tomboc
C H C Fo u n c a t i o n launches fundraising campaign Pg. 6
Inland Empir e Co mmunity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iecn1@ mac.com Advertisin g: sales@iecn.com Legals : iecn legals@ hotmail.com
n Saturday, November 7, the North End Neighborhood Association (NENA) held a neighborhood clean-up day. On a cold and cloudy morning several NENA residents along with the San Bernardino Police Department (SBPD) Explorer Unit, Citizens Patrol Unit, and several members of the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) met at the corner of Valencia and Marshall by the Arrowhead Country Club. The all-volunteer event was organized by NENA Vice President Deana Cervantez. Deana provided gloves, trash bags, trash grabber tools and other items to the various teams. The teams were distributed throughout the neighborhood to pick up trash, cut weeds, and pick up fallen tree branches. About an NENA, cont. on next pg.
Sergeant John Echevarria, left, and the San Bernardino Police Department Explorers show up early Saturday morning to help clean up the neighborhood