Vol 57, NO. 49
November 28, 2019
Yo u n g V i s i o n a r i e s , C A P S B C distribute over 1,000 turkeys Community News
www.iecn.com Gloria’s Cor ner Pg. 3
oung Visionaries Youth Leadership Academy, in partnership with Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino County (CAPSBC), hosted its 14th annual Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway and Resource Fair on Saturday, Nov. 23 at CAPSBC headquarters. Over 1,000 turkeys and boxes filled with all the Thanksgiving trimmings were doled out to county residents during the event that featured vendors, music and a Kid Zone.
SBVC to build new teaching hub for 21st century skills Pg. 5
attendance were In Assemblymember Eloise Goméz Reyes, San Bernardino Community College District Trustee Frank Reyes, CAPSBC Board member Dr. Joshua Beckley who delivered the opening prayer and San Bernardino City Unified School District Board member Gwendolyn Dowdy-Rogers. Giveaway, cont. on next pg.
Over 1,000 turkeys and boxes filled with all the Thanksgiving trimmings were distributed to families on Saturday, Nov. 23 during the 14th annual Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway and Resource Fair hosted by Young Visionaries Leadership Academy in partnership with Community Action Partnership of San Bernardino County. Pictured from left: YVYLA President and CEO Terrance Stone, Assemblymember Eloise Goméz Reyes, CAPSBC President and CEO Patricia NickolsButler, and CAPSBC Board member Dr. Joshua Beckley.
City Council eliminates speaking time limits during regular meeting By Manny B. Sandoval
C a d e n r e c og n i z e d a s Yo u t h Vo l u n t e e r o f t h e Ye a r !
Pg. 12
INSIDE Gloria’s Corner
Words To Think About 5 Opinion
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Councilman Theodore Sanchez.
n November 6, in a 5-1 vote, San Bernardino City Council elected to eliminate speaking time limits during city council meetings.
Although Sanchez originally voted for the time constraints, he said he feels that city issues, especially important issues should not be constrained.
City Manager Teri Ledoux said, “On February 6, 2019, the Mayor and City Council adopted Resolution No. 2019-23, Amending the Rules on Decorum of City Council Meetings to Set Forth Time Limits for Elected Official Comments and Deliberation."
“I hope the councilmembers can understand that we can only truly vet out the entirety of issues at hand if we have robust conversation that is not limited to five minutes per councilmember. So today I am asking council to vote to resend that five minute rule,” concluded Sanchez.
The recommended time limits were set at five minutes per council member.
Councilman Figueroa was displeased with the item being a topic on the agenda.
“The people here elected us to speak our minds and have a robust discourse on the issues facing the city. Initially, I voted to limit ourselves to five minutes. I’m willing to admit that I made a mistake and that’s why I brought this item back up,” shared
“This issue is quite frustrating to me because our city is currently dealing with students almost getting hit by vehicles, churches getting broken into, homeless issues, public safety issues and many other issues in the city and Time, cont. on next pg.
On November 6, city council elected to eliminate the five minute speaking rule during city council meeting deliberations.