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e e k l y W EL CHICANo Vol 54, NO. 50


Gloria’s Cor ner


By Anthony Victoria

Colton, Riverside working to improve Santa Ana River A5


Darrell Frye on helping San Bernardino: "The easiest thing to do is complain about a problem, only a few of us will stand to fight for a solution. I'm proud to stand with fellow change agents that have a heart for the community. With their help, San Bernardino will RISE." Frye Jr. will once again be organizing a clothing and food drive to help low income and homeless residents in the city on Christmas Eve.

ommunity advocate Darrell Frye is leading the “Warm Up San Bernardino” clothing and food drive that intends to serve over 150 people at Perris Hill Park on Christmas Eve. Frye, who also works as a field for representative Assemblywoman Eloise Reyes, is working with several nonprofit organizations to gather clothing, food, and monetary donations. “The love and help I received last year was surprising,” Frye said about the Warm Up San Bernardino initiative. “Everyone who was involved was really into the spirit and willing to help. It’s powerful.” From December 8 to December 20, residents are able to sponsor Frye’s efforts by donating clothing, food, toiletries, or money and request a donation box to receive in-kind contributions from others. People can also sign up to volunteer to help the day of the big giveaway. Last year, Frye received about $600 in donations from companies like Target, Ralphs, Stater Bros. and organizations like the American Hotel Association. Motivation for the project came Warm Up, cont. on next page

San Ber nardino resident: ‘Omnitrans didn’t remove tanks soon enough’



Gloria’s Corner


Legal Notices


Words To think About A5






Inland Empir e Co mmunity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Fax: (909) 384-0406

Editorial: ie cn1@ mac .com Adve r tising: sales@ iec n.c om

December 7, 2017

Homeless to be given clothing, essentials at Per ris Hill Par k on Xmas Eve


Santa Claus Inc. Luncheon & Fashion Show






Omnitrans showed off its CNG system that utilizes an underground pipeline to provide compressed and filtered gas to its large bus fleet while mitigating environmental impacts. By Anthonia Victoria

ast week’s ceremony to celebrate the installation of state-of-the-art Clean Natural Gas (CNG) fueling systems at the Omnitrans facility in

San Bernardino was a bitter-sweet occasion for one westside resident. Two years after announcing it would remove two 30,000 pound natural gas tanks from its main facility, Omnitrans showed off its CNG system that utilizes an under-

ground pipeline to provide compressed and filtered gas to its large bus fleet while mitigating environmental impacts. While both the bus company and local community agree installing CNG, cont. on next page

B a ke r Fa m il y Lear ning Center Holiday events


oin the Baker Family Learning Center as the San Bernardino County Library celebrates the holiday season with festive events! The Baker Family Learning Center in Muscoy will be hosting the following events: • Kids Craft Station – December 12, from 4:00pm to 5:00pm • A Very Merry Christmas Party – December 19, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Our events are always free and open to all ages. Children of all ages can join us for fun and interactive holiday programs throughout the month of December. Our Very Merry Christmas Party will include a special visit from Santa Claus. Families can take pictures with Santa and participate in our holiday crafts and stories. Special opportunity drawings will be held for customers who earn an opportunity drawing ticket and Christmas themed incentive for every 15 items checked out during the event. The San Bernardino County Library System is a dynamic network of 32 branch libraries that serves a diverse population over a vast geographic area. The County library system strives to provide equal access to information, technology, programs, and services for all the people who call San Bernardino County home. The library plays a key role in the achievement of the Countywide Vision, www.sbcounty.gov/vision by contributing to educational, cultural, and historical development of our County community. For more information on the San Bernardino County Library system or the Baker Family Learning Center, please visit http://www.sbclib.org/ or call (909) 887-5167.

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