El Chicano 12 12 19

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Vol 57, NO. 51

De cember 12, 2019

Over 1,000 gather at Santa Claus Inc. annual Holiday Luncheon & Macy’s Fashion Show to raise funds for area’s low-income children

www.iecn.com Gloria’s Cor ner Pg. 3



From left: Michelle Decker, Community Foundation CEO; Virginia Marquez, former San Bernardino Council woman; Dr. Margaret Hill, San Bernardino City Unified School District Board member; Gloria Macías Harrison, San Bernardino Community College District Trustee and IECN Publisher; Theresa Dale, TMD Communications; Diana Rodriguez, San Bernardino Valley College President; Lynn Bogh Baldi, former Chair of the Community Foundation; Maryjoy Duncan, IECN Managing Editor; and Darcy McNaboe, Mayor of the City of Grand Terrace.

Cal State remembers Dec. 2 shoot ing victims

Pg. 5


riends of Santa Claus Inc. held its 67th Annual Holiday Luncheon and Macy’s Fashion Show: “Silver

Bells” at the National Orange Show on Saturday, Dec. 7 with over 1,000 people in attendance.

Over a dozen beautiful designer Christmas trees, and dozens of items in the silent and live auctions were available for bid.

One of those trees was created in memory of IECN’s late coSCI, cont. on next pg.

Attor neys for m Hispanic Bar Association of the Inland Empire


est Best & Krieger LLP Partner Joseph Ortiz says that, growing up, no one talked to him or his siblings about going to college or pursuing a profession. “There was no support for it,” he says.

Radiothon raises ove r $3 0 0, 0 00 fo r pedia tr ic patients


As a first generation immigrant in Southern California, Ortiz’s experience wasn’t unique. Many Hispanic attorneys in California’s Inland Empire also found their way to the Bar largely on their own.

Gloria’s Corner

But, now, they are no longer alone.

Pg. 7


Words To Think About 5 Opinion


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Inland Empir e Co mmunity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Fax: (909) 384-0406 Editorial: ie cn1@ mac .com Adve r tising: sales@ iec n.c om

Ortiz and a group of Inland Empire-based attorneys have formed the first Hispanic Bar Association of the Inland Empire. Recognizing the importance of creating an environment to support one another, engage with the Hispanic community and mentor and recruit new attorneys to the profession, HBAIE was formed HBAIE, cont. on next pg.



BB&K Partner Joseph Ortiz and a group of Inland Empire-based attorneys formed the first Hispanic Bar Association of the Inland Empire to “uplift the Inland Empire’s Hispanic legal community by fostering engagement with communities, businesses, and the Bar, while celebrating Hispanic culture. We are a family that cultivates and champions the education and recruitment of Hispanic attorneys, as well as their professional advancement through continued mentorship.” Board members pictured from left: Albert Maldonado, Daniella Hernandez and Joseph Ortiz.

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