Vol 61, NO. 02
December 21, 2023
S u per v iso r Joe B aca, Jr. 's N e w m ar k El e m en tar y E vent w ith Gifts and In-N-Out Burger Leaves Students Declaring 'Best Day Ever'
City of San Bernardino Celebrates Hometown Hero Jayden Daniels’ Heisman Trophy Win Pg. 3
LLUH Expert Demystifies Vaccine Misconceptions and Offers Key Strategies Against Flu, RSV, and COVID
The pre-k and kindergarten students kicking off the event with San Bernardino County Fire.
By Manny Sandoval
ewmark Elementary School's corridors echoed joy and excitement on December 13 as Supervisor Joe Baca, Jr. hosted the 3rd Annual Holiday Giveaway. This heartfelt event left students declaring, "This is the best day ever." This sentiment, shared by at least three students, underscored the signif-
icant impact of the day's festivities on this underserved and unincorporated area of the San Bernardino City Unified School District campus.
Supervisor Baca, Jr.'s initiative this year was particularly remarkable as he adopted Newmark Elementary, recognizing the essential needs of the school and the profound effect SBCUSD cont. on next pg.
Supervisor Joe Baca, Jr. letting a third grade student choose her gift.
Brightline West's High-Speed Rail to Bridge Las Vegas, San Bernardino, and Redlands to Rancho Cucamonga's HART District
Pg. 5
San Bernardino'sInland Blair Empir e Community Park to Become a Newspaper s Dodger “Dreamfield” Of fice: (909) 381- 9898
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Inland Empir e Co mmunity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381-9898
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Legals: iecn legals@gmail.com
City of Rancho Cucamonga Assistant City Manager Elisa Cox at the Cucamonga Station press conference on December 11, 2023.
By Manny Sandoval
t the heart of Southern California's transportation revolution, the Cucamonga Station, soon to be the centerpiece of the innovative HART District, is preparing for a major transformation. This significant development, highlighted at a press conference on December 11, will see the integration of Brightline West's high-speed rail, connecting Las Vegas, San Bernardino, and Redlands to Rancho Cucamonga.
A rendering of the future Cucamonga Station with Brightline West connecting passengers from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, with stops in Rancho Cucamonga, Hesperia, and Apple Valley.
Elisa Cox on Economic Growth and Environmental Benefits Assistant City Manager Elisa Cox passionately spoke about the project's transformative impact, stating, "Bringing in 11,000 jobs in the region is just the beginning. We're looking at immediate and long-term economic growth, a boom in tourism, and a major reduction in traffic emissions." Cox emphasized the environmental advantages, noting, "With the train being all-electric, we're not just easing traffic but also significantly reducing greenhouse gasses."
Cox highlighted innovation, "Brightline is already operating in Florida, connecting Tampa and Orlando. It's a proven model, although not high-speed. This innovation is not new globally, but it's a first for the West Coast, potentially easing future passengers' hesitation."
Eloise Gomez Reyes: Envisioning Economic Prosperity Assembly Majority Leader Eloise Gomez Reyes elaborated on the project's economic Brightline cont. on next pg.