El Chicano 12 31 20

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Vol 58, NO. 02

December 31, 2020

Berdoo documentar y showcases social str uggles, resilience of SBCUSD students Manny B. Sandoval



erdoo is a documentary capturing the struggles of San Bernardino City Unified School District (SBCUSD) students and the challenges they overcome to succeed in school. Another perspective the film showcases is how community members and school staff play a role in the success of many students across the district.

Fr om all of us at IECN we wish the community a h a p p y, h e a l t h y new year

“There are so many struggles that SBCUSD students face everyday. Some of those struggles include safety, a lack of transportation, food scarcity, caring for siblings, and working to support their family,” said Nishita Matangi, MPH, Berdoo executive producer. Berdoo, cont. on next pg.



Berdoo is a powerful new film that follows the lives of students in the San Bernardino City Unified School District. It is a film that shares the stories of multiple students and their struggles surrounding school. Pictured are district staff during a Safe Routes to School event, a resource higlighted in the film.

Mt. Ver non Avenue Bridge closes to all traf fic , disassembly begins


he Mt. Vernon Avenue Bridge closed to all traffic on Tuesday, Dec. 29 between 2nd and 5th Street to begin the disassembly process, the first phase in the 4-year project to replace the 86-year-old historic bridge.

San Manuel donates over $150K to local organizations Pg. 4


Inland Empir e Co mmunity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iecn1@ mac.com Advertisin g: sales@iecn.com Legals : iecn legals@ hotmail.com

In 2004 the city began working on the environmental phase of the project after the first state inspection found deficiencies in the structure. After many years of planning and collaboration among the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA), the City of San Bernardino, Caltrans, BNSF, Omnitrans and the local community, the project is moving forward. Project design-build contractor Traylor Granite Joint Venture will conduct the methodical disassembly of the bridge into early 2021. Reconstruction of the new bridge will begin in 2022 after BNSF Railway completes conBridge, cont. on next pg.



Mt. Vernon Avenue Bridge, built in 1934, will undergo a methodical disassembly process that will take roughly 6 months to complete. Reconstruction will start in 2022 after BNSF completes construction of new tracks and facilities to accommodate the new bridge, anticipated to open to the public in 2024.

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