El Chicano 01 28 21

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Vol 58, NO. 06

Januar y 28, 202 1

After years without Souther n food in San Ber nardino, I Love Chicken and Waf f les fills the void By Manny B. Sandoval



emico Sherman, owner of San Bernardino’s Yelp-rated five-star restaurant, I Love Chicken and Waffles, opened to the public on January 13. Although dine-in is not offered at this time, the restaurant is accepting phone orders and will soon be tapping into delivery services.

Superbowl p r e v i e w, predictions Pg. 4

“Everything that we offer on our menu is cooked to order. Our chicken and waffles are made with our very own custom seasoning and batter. Also, our homemade peach cobbler, which is made by two of my aunts, has been selling out everyday since we opened,” said Sherman. Other fan favorites include Restaurant, cont. on next pg.


Helen Tran announces campaign for San Ber nardino mayor


Gover nor lifts stay-at-home orders for all counties Pg. 4


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I Love Chicken and Waffles, located at 1170 E. Highland Ave. in San Bernardino, opened to the public on January 13 and held an official ribbon cutting ceremony on Wednesday, January 20. Holding the ceremonial scissors are Chef Kenya Owens and owner Demico Sherman. The restaurant is fulfilling take out orders and will soon add delivery options.

public health, rebuild our economy, and restore confidence in city government. I am committed to achieving these goals by providing the necessary leadership and through working together with our community members,” remarkedTran in an issued statement.

ivic and community leader Helen Tran announced her campaign for San Bernardino Mayor on Thursday, Jan. 21. Helen is a San Bernardino City Commissioner who worked as the city’s Director of Human Resources until 2019. In two decades of public service, Helen has acquired extensive experience in city government and a wide network of support across San Bernardino.

“Our city is in crisis. COVID19 has brought hardships to families and businesses that we have not seen since the depths of the Great Recession. I am running for Mayor to bring new energy and experience to help our city navigate these challenges. I grew up in San Bernardino, I worked for the city for 14 years, and I love our city and its residents. We deserve a Mayor who we can be proud of again. A Mayor who will work tirelessly to protect

I’m looking forward to meeting as many residents as possible in the months ahead. I’m ready to listen, bring people together, work hard, and run a winning campaign.”'


Helen Tran is involved with several community organizations that include League of Women Voters, Verdemont Revitalization Project and serves as the 5th Ward San Bernardino Parks, Recreation and Community Services commissioner.

ABOUT HELEN TRAN Helen Tran is a public servant, non-profit leader, and mother of three. The daughter of Vietnamese refugees in search of the American Dream, Helen grew up in San Bernardino. After graduating from Cajon High School, she became the first person in her family to graduate from college, Tran, cont. on next pg.

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