Vol 59, NO. 12
March 10, 2022
Br eeze Air way s ann oun ces n ons top s er vice b etween SBD Inter national and SFO, mar king fir st-ever scheduled passenger f lights for the air por t Community News
Annual STEM event pr ovides s t u d e n t s va l u a b l e
Pictured is Eric Fletcher, Director of Legal and Corporate Affairs for Breeze Airways, speaking at today’s press conference at SBD International Airport. To the right of Mr. Fletcher are Frank J. Navarro, SBD’s Commission President and Mayor of nearby Colton, and San Bernardino Mayor John Valdivia, also an SBD Commissioner and IVDA co-chair.
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Inland Empir e Co mmunity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iecn1@ mac.com Advertisin g: sales@iecn.com Legals : iecn legals@ hotmail.com
Airport, cont. on next pg.
Community News
black teacher; and many others.
hil Yeh, often called the Godfather of the Modern American Graphic Novel, will be one of the participating artists at the San Bernardino Arts Fest March 19 to showcase his newest book Places; ; a book of 126 watercolors of places he has been during his 37-year world tour.
Yeh will also have limited edition Giclee prints of his watercolors and several other books for sale, including his wordless graphic novel, The Sunflower. Sunflowers are the national flower of Ukraine.
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Breeze, an airline launched by
Phil Yeh’s new book to premier at San Ber nardino Ar ts Fest Mar. 19
County conducts 2022 Point-InTime Count
BD International Airport (SBD) marked a major milestone in its 80-year history on Tuesday, Mar. 8, as Breeze Airways’ Director of Legal and Corporate Affairs Eric Fletcher announced daily nonstop service between SBD and San Francisco International Airport (SFO), beginning August 4, 2022, and marking SBD’s first-ever scheduled passenger flights. Fletcher and airport leaders were joined at the public announcement by elected officials, airport staff and business representatives. Fletcher’s announcement included that fares as low as $49 one way are now on sale at www.flybreeze.com and the Breeze app.
One of the images in the book is “San Bernardino”, depicting the mural that Yeh has been working on since 2012, on the museum at the site of the original McDonald’s on 14th & E Streets. The mural on the south side of the building features some of the people who have made San Bernardino unique such as Chester Carlson, the man who invented the Xerox copy method; Garner Holt, who created his own company that has contributed to Disney, Universal Studios etc.; Dorothy Inghram, San Bernardino County’s first
The Sunflower takes readers of all ages on an imaginative journey to a variety of places and in the end it is revealed that these adventures are all part of the collective imaginations of children around the world. For more about Phil Yeh and his work visit wingedtiger.com and philyehfineart.com San Bernardino Arts Fest is returning after an absence of two years due to Covid protocols. It will be held at Court Street Square in San Bernardino on Saturday March 19, 2022 from 10AM – 4PM