El Chicano 3 22 18

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e e k l y W EL CHICANo Vol 55, NO. 13


Gloria’s Cor ner

Jobs, infrastr ucture, marijuana discussed in recent San Ber nardino Mayoral For um


IECN PHOTO COURTESY FABIAN TORRES SB Councilman San Bernardino Mayoral candidates were asked stern questions by residents and community leaders Henr y Nickel to r un during a forum at the Little League Western Regional Headquarters on March 13, 2018. Seen here for State Assembly are candidates Karmel Roe, Danny Tillman, and current Mayor Carey Davis.


Glor ia Macias Har rison


By Anthony Victoria

an Bernardino mayoral candidates were asked stern questions by residents and community leaders during a forum at the Little League Western Regional Headquarters Tuesday evening regarding the city’s strug-

gling infrastructure, economy, and Current Mayor Carey Davis, quality of life. Councilman John Valdivia, San Bernardino City Unified School The Mayoral Forum was orga- District Board Member Danny nized by the Verdemont Tillman, businesswoman Karmel Neighborhood Association and the Roe, and youth mentor Rick Avila League of Women Voters of San had 1-2 minutes per question to Bernardino. provide their solutions on issues Forum, cont. on next page

San Ber nardino March For Our Lives event to call for stricter gun control nationwide

and Mar ta Macias Brown name d LEAD Summit’s madrinas de hono r



Gloria’s Corner






Words To think About A5

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The San Bernardino-focused March for Our Lives event, being organized by the families of the Inland Regional Center mass shooting victims and faith based leaders, calls on those frustrated with mass shootings and gun-related tragedies to demand lawmakers to find solutions. By Anthony Victoria

riends and family members of gun violence victims will be gathering at San Bernardino City Hall Saturday to call for stricter gun

control laws across the nation.

The San Bernardino-focused March for Our Lives event, being organized by the families of the Inland Regional Center mass shooting victims and faith based

leaders, calls on those frustrated with mass shootings and gunrelated tragedies to demand lawmakers to find solutions. March, cont. on next page



March 22, 2 018

Assemlymember Eloise Reyes empower s young women


n Friday, March 16th Assemblymember Eloise Gómez Reyes hosted the Girls and Young Women’s Empowerment Conference in partnership with Senator Connie Leyva and the Girls Scouts of San Gorgonio. The aim of the conference was to empower young women of the 47th Assembly District to be their own shero.

“Our goal was to empower these young women to recognize the power they have to control their own destiny,” said Assemblymember Reyes. “That message was echoed throughout the Arroyo Valley High School Gymnasium as the girls came together and uplifted each other.” 300 girls from middle schools and high schools throughout the 47th Assembly District attended the event, each of them receiving a cape and mask to unleash their inner shero. The conference’s Mistress of Ceremony was Tamara Ellison who shared with the girls that their disappointments do not define who they are.

The girls also had the opportunity to attend various workshops on Financial Literacy presented by U.S. Bank, STEAM presented by Anne Marie Allen, Chaffey College, Job Readiness presented by Tyiesha Coulson, Goodwill Industries and Healthy Relationships presented by Sophia Weidner, House of Ruth.

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