e e k l y W EL CHICANo Vol 55, NO. 16
Gloria’s Cor ner A3
Hispanic Lifestyle honors Latinas of Inf luence
Fur nitur e wo rker s acquire new skills
iecn photo
Valley College celebrates success of Valley Bound Commitment program
Maryjoy DunCan
iecn co-publisher Diana Harrison Martinez was recognized posthumously by hispanic Lifestyle as a Latina of influence on thursday, Apr. 5. pictured from left are hispanic Lifestyle president richard Sandoval, iecn publisher and San Bernardino community college District trustee Gloria Macias Harrison accepting the award on Diana’s behalf, and Rialto Unified School District communications Director Syeda jafri.
By Maryjoy Duncan
ispanic Lifestyle hosted its 6th Annual Latinas of Influence two-day conference that took place at the
Ontario Airport Hotel last nation. Wednesday and Thursday, April 4 Workshops, networking and and 5 that brought together Latina panel discussions were featured, business owners, professionals, culminating with a celebration that artists, entertainers and community leaders from throughout the Conference, cont. on next page
Alfonso Sanchez, 16, crowned new M r. C a r d i n a l a t S a n B e r n a r d i n o H i g h
Gloria’s Corner
Words To think About A5
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April 12, 2018
Author Lynette Davis offers free writing workshop
Laid off Ashley
iecn photo coURteSy
Bill SanDefur
alfonso Sanchez, left, is crowned by former Mr. cardinal justin Mendoza as pageant Director jamie rios congratulates him.
By Cynthia Mendoza
n Saturday night, April 7, 2018, San Bernardino High School crowned
their 15th Mr. Cardinal during the yearly pageant that celebrates the best of the best in aspiring and service minded young men at San Bernardino High. This year’s Mr.
Cardinal is Alfonso Sanchez, 16, who is a junior. Cardinal, cont. on next page
n Saturday, April 21, 2018 Lynette Davis will present It’s Time to Tell Your Story, a FREE 90minute interactive workshop to help individuals who desire to tell their (nonfiction) stories. This free workshop will take place from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. in Kellogg Room B of the Norman Feldheym Central Library, located at 555 West 6th Street, San Bernardino. There will be light refreshments, a drawing for Amazon and Starbuck gift cards, and Davis will give away two copies of her memoir, Even Rain Is Just Water. There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story on the inside of you. – MAYA ANGELOU Many people have a desire to write a book—tell their story, but they don’t know how or where to start. The primary goal of the presentation is to help individuals, who want to tell their story, to begin writing. “Memoir,” explains Davis “is autobiographical but it is not an autobiography. There’s a distinct difference between memoir and autobiography.” The workshop will discuss the differences between memoir and autobiography, strategies for retrieving memories, the two most important elements of memoir, the actual process of writing, and includes a Q&A session. For more information on the workshop contact lynettedaviswrites@gmail.com or follow Davis on Twitter @wewalkbyfaith88 or Instagram @Lynettewrites. To contact the library call 909381-8235.