Vol 59, NO. 17
Apr il 14, 2022
Arts Council in San Ber nardino County prepares for “Cisne” ar t showcase and free prog ramming By Manny B. Sandoval
hile many across the city of San Bernardino have heard about the Arts Council in San Bernardino County, many people are still unaware that the organization serves the entire County of San Bernardino.
With free to low cost workshops and classes that give residents in the region the opportunity to connect with their creative side, the Arts Council, formerly known as Arts Connection, has a busy month ahead with an opening of Alexa Vasquez “Cisne” art showcase, its Let’s Create Together workshop, and an artist at work spotlight.
Va l l e y C o l l e g e breaks ground on new A p p l i e d Te c h building Pg. 4
Center for Soc ial Ju stic e & Civil Liber ties reopens Pg. 8
Inland Empir e Co mmunity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Editorial: iecn1@ mac.com Advertisin g: sales@iecn.com Legals : iecn legals@ hotmail.com
Operations Manager Saniyyah Thomas and Social Media Specialist Eric Servin tabling for Arts Council in San Bernardino County at the Wolverine Con & International Student Film Festival at San Bernardino Valley College on March 30, 2022.
“Art really unifies our community in a number of ways. I feel that for San Bernardino we’re experiencing this art renaissance Arts, cont. on next pg.
Alejandre, Dowdy-Rodger s join Fir st 5 San Ber nardino Commission
irst 5 San Bernardino is pleased to announce Ted Alejandre and Gwendolyn Dowdy-Rodgers, EdD, have been appointed as new commissioners with the organization whose sole purpose is to help young children ages prenatal to 5 years old get a quality start in life. Two commission seats were vacated recently after the passing of longtime community leader Dr. Margaret Hill who served the organization as a commissioner for eight years, and with the January 2022 term end for Jorge Escalante after serving for over two years. These appointments were approved by San Bernardino County’s Board of Supervisors on March 29, 2022. At First 5 San Bernardino’s first in-person commission meeting in over two years, Alejandre and DowdyRodgers were sworn in by the organization’s Executive Director Karen E. Scott during First 5, cont. on pg. 2
First 5 Executive Director Karen Scott (middle) takes a moment with newly sworn in First 5 San Bernardino Commissioners Dr. Gwendolyn Dowdy-Rogers, President and CEO of Arrowhead United Way and a San Bernardino City Unified School District board member, and San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools Ted Alejandre.