El Chicano 4 5 18

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e e k l y W EL CHICANo Vol 55, NO. 15


LEAD IX f ocuses on challenges, achievements of Latina women

Gloria’s Cor ner A3

Kare n DiCar lo r eceives 3 awards this year



Bill SAndefur

dr. enrique Murillo Jr., Ana Gonzalez, LEAD IX Madrina de Honor, IECN Publisher and SB Community College District Trustee Gloria Macias Harrison, and SBCCD Chancellor Bruce Baron.

By Anthony Victoria

ast week’s Latino Education Advocacy for Days (LEAD) Summit at Cal State San Bernardino primarily focused on the achievements of

Mansion Memories sends children in crisis to “Never land”

women in education.

Latino Caucus of the Inland Empire on March 31.

“Latinas define the future,” said CSUSB Professor Dr. Enrique However, educators and commuMurillo, who is the founder of nity leaders agree that there is still LEAD, during the Cesar Chavez breakfast co-hosted by the Chicano Chavez, cont. on next page

Two yea r s a f t er n ea r d e a th , G a r y Fer r er lives strong through folklorico dancing



Gloria’s Corner






Words To think About A5

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April 5, 2018

Chavez Middle School student wins annual Spelling Bee


Santa Claus Inc . Dir.






AntHony VictoriA

After nearly dying from meningitis, Gary ferrer, 29, is alive and strong because of his newfound passion for dancing. By Anthony Victoria

ary Ferrer admits the future looked bleak two years ago.

The 29-year-old had established

himself as a talented photographer in the Los Angeles area in 2016 and was also a fitness instructor. However, a battle with meningitis in December of that year left his brain swollen. Ferrer was only given 12 days to

live. And although his strength allowed him to live on, he no longer had the eye needed to fulfill his dreams as a photographer.

“It was a depressing time,” said

Ferrer, cont. on next page

uring an intense competition at Holcomb Elementary School on March 7, Chavez Middle School eighth-grader Galen Cholbi emerged as the winner of the San Bernardino City Unified School District (SBCUSD) Collaborative Spelling Bee.

The SBCUSD Collaborative Spelling Bee is co-sponsored by the Scripps National Organization. The Scripps sponsorship makes it possible for participating schools to access official Scripps National Spelling Bee study guides and materials, and for the Collaborative winner and a parent or guardian to travel to the national spelling bee.

Galen Cholbi will be traveling to Washington D.C. in May for the national competition. It’s a trip familiar to Galen’s family because they made the same trip with his older sister, Isabel Cholbi, who was a multi-year winner of the SBCUSD Collaborative Spelling Bee.

Rounding out the top five spellers were second-place Steven Betancourt, Holcomb Elementary sixth-grader; thirdplace David Aguirre, King Middle School eighth-grader; fourth-place Yusuf Anteur, Chavez Middle School seventhgrader; and fifth-place Montserrat Mercado Ochoa, Thompson Elementary sixthgrader. ESPN2 will broadcast the Scripps National Spelling Bee semifinals on May 31. ESPN will broadcast the Spelling Bee finals on June 1.

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