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e e k l y W EL CHICANo Vol 56, NO. 20



May 10, 2018

S a n Be r na r di no c e leb ra te s Ci nc o de Ma yo

THIS WEEK Gloria’s Corner





The City of San Bernardino Parks and Recreation Dept. hosted a Cinco de Mayo celebration at Court St. Squarae. Pictured is St. John’s Angels, led by Gary Ferrer, who performed several dances during the event.

Tony Myre ll re-elected to WDB chair


By Ricardo Tomboc

n Saturday, May 5th, the City of San Bernardino Parks and Recreation Department sponsored a Cinco de Mayo Community Celebration at the Court Street Square in downtown. The day was filled with entertainment from several bands and Ballet Folklorico dance groups. There were art exhibits, arts and crafts for the kids, a car show,

many food vendors and merchants.

Mayor Carey Davis and Councilmember Virginia Marquez attended the event and mingled with attendants. The Mexican Consulate had a display of their 22nd Annual Children’s Drawing Contest, “Este es mi Mexico”, and was taking on additional contestants for their event.

The “San Bernardino Life Car Club” said that they helped organize the car show. Joe Lozano a member of the car club said, “We are a bunch of Mexicans that love our community.” That statement seemed to be the theme for many who attended the Cinco de Mayo celebration. When asked, many of the attendees knew the Cinco, cont. on next page

Mexican Consulate promotes bilingual educational o p p o r t u n i t i e s d u r i n g 1 s t B i n a t i o n a l E d u c a t i o n We e k

103rd National Orange Show Citus Fair


INSIDE Gloria’s Corner






Words To think About A5

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Kick off at the Mexican Consulate in San Bernardino for the First Binational Education Week ( May 7 - 11) to promote bilingual educational opportunities and resources. Representatives from the San Bernardino Community College District, Cal State University San Bernardino CSUSB, San Bernardino City USD and San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools joined Consul Enrique Salomon Rosas (center, gray suit) to discuss resources and opportunities in the region. he Mexican Consulate in San Bernardino kicked off its 1st Binational Education Week on Monday, May 7. Over the course of the week representatives from local educational entities such as UC Riverside, Cal State San

Bernardino, San Bernardino City Unified and San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools will be available to consulate visitors to provide information on navigating the educational system from K-12 to higher education.

The San Bernardino Community College District has installed a permanent help desk in the lobby, soon to be staffed, that will assist those interested in pursuing a higher education.

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