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e e k l y W EL CHICANo Vol 56, NO. 21



May 17, 2018

S t . Jo h n ’ s A n g e l s , c o m m u n i t y i n v i t e d t o D o d g e r g a m e


Gloria’s Cor ner A3



Maryjoy Duncan

50 members of the community were invited to experience a Dodger game on Saturday, May 12, courtesy of Kids 4 Dodgers Baseball. 35 youth and 15 adults received T-shirts, meal vouchers and transportation to and from the game. Pictured in the middle is Gary Ferrer.

By Maryjoy Duncan

Annual Walk for the Animals fundr aiser


ver two dozen exuberant youth were brimming with excitement inside the multi-use room at St. John’s Episcopal Church in San Bernardino, while their parents looked on with as much enthusi-

asm on Saturday, May 12. They were eagerly awaiting the LA Dodgers bus to take them to the baseball stadium for an all-inclusive experience that includes the game, T-shirts, and meal vouchers for stadium concessions through the Kids 4 Dodgers Baseball program (K4DB).

This adventure was a result of Gary Ferrer’s inquiry last year to the Dodgers about the possibility for his folklórico youth group, St. John’s Angels, to perform before a game. Dodgers representatives inquired of Ferrer’s story and discovered his battle with meningitis that almost claimed his life in

2016 that left him blind would change the course of his life to one of dedicated community service.

Following an arduous battle with a bout of depression, Ferrer, with the support of husband Ivan Dodgers, cont. on next page


C o - c r e a t o r o f The Ninja Turtles K e v i n E a s t m a n a d d s to mural at McDonald’s Museum

hen Phil Yeh started the murals at the site of the first McDonald’s in San Bernardino with his artist friends in 2012, he had great dreams that one day some of his more successful friends would show up and add to the walls.

Motocross season retur ns to Glen Helen



Gloria’s Corner

On May 11, 2018, Kevin Eastman made an appearance in San Bernardino to add the characters that he created with Peter Laird in 1984. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles started as a black and white comic book, became an animated cartoon series, and then branched into feature films.






Words To think About A5

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LinDa aDaMs yeh

Local artist Phil yeh who started the murals at the first McDonald’s in San Bernardino, invited longtime friend and artist Kevin eastman to add to the mural - he did so on Saturday, May 12, adding the characters of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles inside the car.

Yeh first met Eastman in Northampton, Massachusetts in 1990. He had been suggested to come up and meet Eastman by cartoonist Rick Veitch when they were both in Budapest, Hungary painting a mural for literacy with cartoonists from around the world. Eastman agreed to fund Yeh’s book Theo the Dinosaur in 1991 which featured a foreword Mural , cont. on next page

Page A2 • May 17, 2018 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers • El Chicano

School district’s See Something, Say Something hotline helps protect students, schools


s the school year winds to a close, San Bernardino City Unified continues encouraging students, parents, and the public to use its new See Something, Say Something Hotline to report suspicious activity, especially during the summer months. Launched in February, the 24hour hotline is one way to report criminal activity to District Police anonymously. This is especially important during the summer months when the majority of District schools are closed. District schools close for the summer on

June 7 and students return for the new school year on August 6. The hotline is available by calling (909) 388-6043. Students and the public play a vital role in keeping schools safe, said District Police Chief Joseph Paulino. “We need our community to be our eyes and ears,” Paulino said. “If you see something that doesn’t seem quite right in and around our schools, please say something. If someone’s behaving oddly or making threats to student safety, please say something.” The hotline was created in the

wake of the February mass shooting at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida. Student safety is a shared responsibility, said Superintendent Dr. Dale Marsden, who was recognized with a national award earlier this year for his longstanding efforts to build a culture of school safety in the District. “We’re in the business of educating students in a safe and nurturing environment,” Marsden said. “We are continually reviewing our efforts to enhance school safety, and this hotline is one more tool toward that goal.”


SBCUSD Police Chief Joseph Paulino at the District Police headquarters. Dodgers

Resendez, resolved to embrace his love of dance and today teaches Zumba and folklórico classes daily for free at St. John’s. The youth group has performed throughout Southern California and volunteered at community cleanup events.

Lessons in discipline, courtesy, respect, and volunteerism are weaved through the technical aspects of dance.

“I teach them that they have to give back (to their community),” Ferrer said. “They must be presentable, have manners because they are not just representing our culture, but also our city.”

Now in its fourth season, Kids 4 Dodgers Baseball provides 20,000 underserved children and teens each season the opportunity to experience a Dodger baseball


“We aim to expose (kids) to the baseball experience, especially those who haven’t been to a game,” explained Dodger Program Coordinator Mark Arroyo. “This is our way of giving back to the community by providing all the bells and whistles including transportation to and from the stadium.”

35 children and 15 adult chaperones boarded the bus Saturday afternoon to watch the Dodgers take on the Cincinnati Reds. According to Ferrer many from the neighborhood can’t afford to leave the city let alone attend a baseball game.

“This is a new experience for us,” said Ferrer about the excursion. “We all work together and we also enjoy together, it’s very gratifying.



Youth board the bus that will take them to their first baseball game experience.

Kevin Eastman being interviewed. Mural

by First Lady Barbara Bush.

Yeh has devoted his life to promoting literacy and creativity. He formed the group Cartoonists Across America & The World in 1985. This group of artists has painted more than 2,000 murals in 49 U.S. States and 18 countries. Most of these murals have been painted with students.


In 2011, Yeh suffered a stroke. He was unable to draw or paint for a number of months. When he met Albert Okura, the man who owns the museum on the site of the first McDonald’s, Okura offered him the outside walls to create murals.

The South wall is about San Bernardino. The north wall features California’s Route 66 from Needles to Los Angeles. Yeh enlisted various artists to help on the


project, notably Sandy Fisher Cvar, to complete portraits of various noted people from San Bernardino. Beth Winokur, Rory Murray, and Jan Windhausen joined many other artists in creating these murals with Yeh. Yeh created a fantasy vision of San Bernardino on the back wall of the museum, where various cartoonists have added their characters into cars painted by Murray.



Albert Okura, who owns the museum on the site of the first McDonald’s, with Kevin Eastman.

Bernardino Public Library with the California Center for the Book and Poets & Writers, Inc. present a Free Writing Workshop: Poetry Exercises and Making Our Own MiniPoetry Books with Olga Garcia Echeverria from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Participants will use short/fun poetic forms to say something about who we are, where we come from and what we love. Poetry books will Circus: be made out of brown paper bags and recycled materials. The workFridays, Saturdays and Sun- shop will be held in the Kellogg days, May 4 - 20 - the Redlands Room of the Feldheym Central LiFamily YMCA, 500 E. Citrus, pres- brary, 555 West 6th Street. ents the 78th Performing Season of The Great All American Youth Saturday, May 19 - the Gabriel Circus, the oldest community cir- Acosta Memorial Journalism and cus in the world. Performances are Communications Workshop will at 7:00 p.m. on Fridays, 5:00 p.m. be held at Riverside City College, on Saturdays, and 3:00 p.m. on Sun- 4800 Magnolia Ave., Riverside. The days. For ticket information call workshop is slated from 9:00 a.m. 909.798.9622 or www.ymcaeast- to 4:00 p.m. and is free to current valley.org. high school and community college students. Lunch and refreshments Workshops: will be provided. For information contact the office of Assemblyman Saturday, May 19 - Arts Collec- Jose Medina at (951) 369-6644 or tion with Fallen Fruit San email carmen.Cuevas@asm.ca.gov Bernardino present a Zine (Maga- To apply visit asmdc.org/Medina. zine) workshop and The Endless Orchard event “Plant the Perimeter” tree planting at the Garcia Exhibits: Center for the Arts, 536 West 11th Street from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Now - May 19 - the Robert and The zine workshop will result in the Frances Fullerton Museum of Art creation of a Fallen Fruit San (RAFFMA) at Cal State San Bernardino Magazine celebrating Bernardino presents “All Too the countywide community. Inlan- Human: The Art of Mark Strickdia Printmaker Bob Horton and In- land”. The exhibit will feature emolandia Poet Laureate Nikia Chaney tional and moving artwork will guide participants. The plant- highlighting Strickland’s longtime ing of twelve trees on the grounds exploration of the human condition. of the Garcia Center will be the an- In conjunction with the exhibition, chor for a map for future planting in an Artist Talk is slated for Thursday, the community. April 19 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. and will include a mix of music, discusSaturday, May 19 - PoetrIE pres- sion and live painting. For informaents Sin Filtro: Workshops, Read- tion call 909.537.3373 or email ings, & Conversations at the smaclean@csusb.edu. Garcia Center for the Arts, 536 West 11th Street, San Bernardino. The Now - December 11 - the Califorworkshop starts at 5:00 p.m. with nia State University San Bernardino Vanessa Angelica Villarreal, author Anthropology Dept. presents of the collection Beast Meridian, “InlDignity” an exhibit aimed at winner of the John A. Robertson exploring and dismantling intolerAward for Best First Book of Poetry ance through the experiences of Infrom the Texas Institute of Letters. land Empire residents. In/Dignity Reading & Conversation begin at takes its title from a double entendre 6:00 p.m. with Natalie GrahamCave simultaneously reading as a single Canem Poetry Prize. For informa- word - indignity - and two separate tion visit PoetrIE PoetrIE.org con- words - in dignity. These two tact infoopoetrie@gmail.com. meanings capture precisely what the exhibit examines: experiences with Saturday, May 19 - the San oppression, discrimination, bigotry,

Inland Empire Community Newspapers • May 17, 2018 • Page A3

exclusion, stigma, and prejudice, and simultaneously the pride and self-respect that is necessary for everyone facing injustice. The Museum is located in the university’s College of Social and Behavioral Sciences building’s third floor, room SB-306. The Museum is open 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday. For information and to arrange tours call the museum director at 909.537.5505 or visit: https://csbs.csusb.edu/anthropolgymuseum. Admission is free, parking is $6.00. Save the Date:

Friday, May 18 - Bundlez N Beauty presents Poetry Slam at Raquel’s Jazz Lounge, Riverside Ave., Rialto from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. This Emerging Beauty Youth Fundraiser is raising money to provide health and beauty services to low income families, at-risk youth, victims of domestic violence and human trafficking, and other underprivileged individuals in the community. For tickets visit: www.eventbrite.com.

Saturday, May 19 - the Friends of the San Bernardino Public Library will hold a Bag Sale from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Friends Room at the rear of the Feldheym Central Library, 555 West 6th Street. Buy a grocery bag for $2. For information call (909) 381-8251.

Saturday, May 19 - the A. K. Smiley Public Library, 125 W. Vine Street, Redlands presents the 7th Annual Library Days, “California Rancho Heritage” from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Featured at this free family friendly event: Arts & Crafts for Kids, Music in the Missions, Mariachi Corona de Angeles, The Taco Lady, St. Mary’s Ballet Folklorico and the WWI in film - A Farewell to Arms. For information on the schedule of events visit www.akspl.org or call (909) 7987565.

Saturday & Sunday, May 19 & 20 - the City of Redlands and Hangar 24 Charities present Hangar 24 Airfest at the Redlands Municipal Airport, 1755 Sessums Drive. The Airfest is scheduled from noon to 10:00 p.m. on Saturday and from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday. This event features

high-performance military aircraft, aerobatics demonstrations, a Kids Zone and live music. Ticket inforavailable at mation https://www.hangar24airfest.com.

Gounod, Verdi, Mascani and others. Viorel Gheorghe is the conductor tor and soloists are Camelia Voin, Soprano and Javier Gonzalez, tenor. Voin has performed locally and internationally and Gonzalez has perSaturday, May 19 - the I Love formed at Carnegie Hall and the San Bernardino will host a May- Kennedy Center. Admission is $15. oral Candidate Forum from 1:00 And free for students. to 3:00 p.m. at the Women’s Club of San Bernardino, 503 W. 31 Street. Sunday, May 20 - Loma Linda This public education forum will be University Behavioral Medicine moderated by Dorothy Garcia. For Center presents the 2nd Annual information call (909) 883-0710. Stand Up to Stigma 5K Walk/Run from 7:30 to 10:00 a.m. Sunday, May 20 - the League of All proceeds will go toward the deWomen Voters of the San velopment of the new outdoor therBernardino Area presents 2018 Cit- apy courtyard at the Loma Linda izens of Achievement from 2:00 to University Behavioral Center and to 4:00 p.m. at the East Valley Water support mental health awareness. District Headquarters, 31111 Registration and starting line will be Road, Highland. across the street from the Center, at Greenspot Awardees include 10 individuals 1686 Barton Road, Redlands. To and two groups of citizens. This af- pre-register visit ternoon event will serve light re- llubmc.org/standup. freshments. For ticket and sponsorship information call 909- Monday, May 21 - Last Day to 772-0843 or visit lwvsan- Register to VOTE bernardino.org. Monday, May 21 - the Tzu Chi Sunday, May 20 - the University Mobile Food Pantry will hold a of California, Riverside Botanic Free Food Distribution from Gardens presents Primavera in the 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. at Jones ElemenGardens from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. tary School, 700 North F Street, San This event is the Gardens’ annual Bernardino. Fresh fruit and vegetafundraiser benefiting new garden bles are included in the distribution installations, opportunities for stu- which is on a first-come, firstdent workers, trail and garden up- served basis. Participants are urged keep, community enrichment to bring their own bags. For inforactivities and educational programs. mation call the Buddhist Tzu Chi For ticket information call 951-784- Foundation at 909.447.7799 x 455 or visit or visit: www.tzuchi.us. 6962 gardens.ucr.edu/events/primavera. Sunday, May 20 - the Tzu Chi Mobile Food Pantry will hold another Free Food Distribution from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. at Indian Springs High School, 650 Del Rosa Drive, San Bernardino. Fresh fruit and vegetables are part of the distribution and will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Participants are urged to bring their own bags. For information contact the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation at (909) 4477799 x 455 or visit: www.tzuchi.us.

Quote of the Week: “Every citizen of this country should be guaranteed that their vote matters, that their vote is counted, and that their vote has as much weight as that of any CEO, any member of Congress, or any President.” - Barbara Boxer To submit an event or information for Gloria's Corner please email: gloscalendar@gmail.com.

Sunday, May 20 - Lyric Opera Deadline is 12 p.m. each Friday. Symphony Orchestra presents “With Love from the Opera” at Also visit: www.iecn.com for on3:00 p.m. at the Garcia Center for line news and follow us on Facethe Arts, 536 West 11th Street, San book @IECNWeekly. Bernardino. The program features excerpts from famous operas by Mozart, Donizetti, Offenbach,

Big tr ucks & engineering f ocus of museum Public Works Day made disasters, public works services play a significant role in a society’s quality of life. The Department of Public Works expresses its sincere thanks to the


he San Bernardino County Museum hosts the popular annual Public Works Day on Saturday, June 2, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The day features a wide variety of handson activities related to engineering and science, in partnership with the San Bernardino County Department of Public Works. Started by the American Public

Works Association in 1960, National Public Works Week is a celebration of the tens of thousands of men and women in North America who provide and maintain the infrastructure and services collectively known as public works.

“’The theme for the 2018 National Public Works Week, ‘The Power of Public Works,’ gives

voice to the impact the many facets of public works have on modern civilization,” said Kevin Blakeslee, director of County Public Works. “From providing clean water to disposing of solid waste, to building roads and bridges and removing snow on roadways, to the construction of dams, channels and levees to control flooding, or devising emergency management strategies to meet natural or man-

County Museum for hosting this event that will provide some fun, hands-on education to our residents as to how the Department of Public Works serves them.”

OPINION&LETTERS Page A4 • May 17, 2018 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers

Views expressed in Opinion & Letter s do not necessarily ref lect the views of IECN


You can email letters to editor@iecn.com. Please include your name and city of residence. Anonymous letters will not be printed. High school athletes, Gar y Fer rer’s self lessness

Maryjoy Duncan Managing Editor

Congratulations to all the 50 student athletes who were recognized during the 54th annual Ken Hubbs Awards on Monday evening at Bloomington High School. Students from 25 regional schools were selected as the best at their respective schools. Overall winners were Jeremiah Martin of Cajon High and Autumn D’Arcy of Redlands East Valley. Jeremiah’s accomplishments in football and basketball include All League, All-CIF, County MVP, and All-CBL. Jeremiah has committed to attend Texas A&M on a football scholarship. An exceptional swimmer, D’Arcy’s long list of accomplishments include 16-time CBL champion, 12-time CIF finalist, 3time CIF champion, ranked in the top 100 of the nation and REV’s Athlete of the Year. D’Arcy also volunteers regularly at a local homeless shelter serving meals and making blankets. Other winners in our area are: Aquinas High - Branden Rankins and Margaret Kumler; Arroyo Valley - Brandon Jimenez and Antania Watkins; Bloomington Edwin Munoz and Nayeli Sandoval-Galo; Cajon - Chloe Casey; Carter - Jerry Rubio and Anna Castro; Citrus Valley - John Lama and Jaycee Smith; Colton Anthony Miranda and Loreal Fuerte; Eisenhower - Arthur Acevedo and

Sabrina Rivera; Grand Terrace Jacob Torres and Alyssa Graham; Indian Springs - Cristian Duarte Jimenez and Carolina Curiel; Pacific - Raziel Jordan and Katelyn Cifuentes; Redlands - Brian Landon and Nikita Friche; REV Brian Landon; Rialto - Tyler Gonzalez and Michelle Arevalo; San Bernardino - Rodolfo Sanchez and Fransisca Gaeta; San Gorgonio - Chris Hardin and Ana Tovi.

************************* Gary Ferrer, members from his Zumba class, children in the folklorico program, and neighbors of St. John’s Episcopal Church in San Bernardino were treated to a rare surprise when the Dodgers sent a charter bus to transport them to Los Angeles to watch the Dodgers take on the Cincinnati Reds. For many, this would be their first trip out of the city and to a ball game. Ferrer suffered from meningitis a few years ago which almost took his life, he pulled through but lost his eyesight in the process. Since then he has been volunteering his time to his neighborhood by offering free Zumba classes at the church, as well as creating St. John’s Angels - a youth ballet folklórico group that performs at community events throughout the region. In addition to dance, Ferrer stresses the values of discipline, courtesy, respect, volunteerism and community engagement to youth. It was through asking the Dodgers if they could perform before a game last year that the baseball franchise learned more about Ferrer and how much he invests of himself in his community that they offered to take 50 people to a ball game, outfitting them with T-shirts and paying for their food, drinks and baseball caps. I had the opportunity to meet Ferrer and his husband Ivan for the first time on Saturday and was humbled by how much of themselves they give to their community - their selflessness. They have full access to the church and within the walls of the modest multi-use room, they have created a haven where laughter, art and a real sense of community thrive.

E-mail us your opinions, photos, announcements to editor@iecn.com for consideration.

We must have a say in SCAQMD Indirect Source Rule making process

We finally gained the victory we anticipated, when the South Coast Air Quality Management District Governing Board voted to begin an indirect source rule making process during their meeting on May 4. And while the force was with us on that day, we know industry will be demanding their friends on the board to water down much needed regulations to heavily reduce emissions. As a resident of San

Bernardino’s westside, I’ve witnessed the severe impacts railyard freight pollution has on my neighbors. Loma Linda University found in 2014 that approximately 47 percent of children that live near the BNSF rail yard suffer through asthma attacks and other breathing complications. The Indirect Source Rule will bring forth exponential improvements to our air quality by mandating the BNSF to regulate

diesel trucks and locomotives that travel through its facilities. It’s not a job killer, like industry argues, but a crucial step that will protect the livelihood of our communities. Our concerns have fallen on deaf ears. Inland leaders especially have failed to understand the need for air regulations. But, now we will have the chance to directly push for zero emissions. Lorena Rodarte San Bernardino

Every year, more Americans are diagnosed with osteoporosis, a disease that causes bones to weaken and become more likely to break. You may not know that you have this “silent” disease until your bones are so weak that a sudden strain, bump, or fall causes your wrist to break or your hip to fracture. Medicare can help you prevent or detect osteoporosis at an early stage, when treatment works best. Talk to your doctor about getting a bone mass measurement. If you’re at risk, Medicare Part B covers this test once every 24 months (more often if medically necessary) when your doctor or other qualified provider orders it. A bone mass measurement test helps to see whether you have osteoporosis or should be concerned about your bones. Some people call this test a bone mineral density (BMD) test. A BMD test uses a special machine to measure the amount of bone mineral you have in a certain area of bone. Bone density testing can be done on different bones of your body, including your hip, spine, forearm (between the wrist and elbow), wrist, finger or heel. A BMD test is safe and painless, and it provides important information about your bone health. Your healthcare provider uses this information to make recommendations to help you protect your bones. If you are diagnosed with osteoporosis, your healthcare provider may order laboratory and other tests. These tests can help your healthcare provider find out if you have another medical condition causing bone loss. Who's eligible for the bone test? All qualified people with Part B who are at risk for osteoporosis and meet one or more of these conditions: · A woman whose doctor determines that she is both estrogen deficient and at risk for osteoporosis; · A person whose X-rays show possible osteoporosis, osteopenia, or vertebral fractures; · A person taking prednisone or steroid-type drugs or is planning to begin this treatment; · A person who has been diagnosed with primary hyperparathyroidism; · A person who is being monitored to see if their osteoporosis drug therapy is working. You pay nothing for a bone den-

sity test if your doctor or other qualified health care provider accepts Medicare payment rates for his or her services and agrees not to bill you for anything other than the Medicare deductible or coinsurance. Osteoporosis and the broken bones it can cause are not part of normal aging. And there’s a lot

you can do to protect your bones throughout your life.

Medicare and osteoporosis

Greg Dill is Medicare’s regional administrator for Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and the Pacific Territories. You can get answers to your Medicare questions by calling 1-800MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227).

Inland Empire Community Newspapers • May 17, 2018 • Page A5

Wor ds to L ive By: T he his tor y o f Mo ther ’s D a y where Anna Jarvis’ mother had been teaching Sunday School.

The first “official” service was held on May 10, 1908 in the same church. Anna Jarvis then went throughout the country to establish Mother’s Day as a U.S. National Holiday. In 1910, the holiday was declared officially in West Virginia and the remaining states quickly followed suit.

Dr. Bill Abersold

The history of Mother’s Day goes back thousands of years to the ancient Greeks. They held festivities to honor Rhea, the mother of the gods. The early Christians recognized mothers on the fourth Sunday of Lent in honor of Mary, the mother of Jesus.

In 1872, Julia Ward Howe organized a day for mothers dedicated to peace. However, in 1907, Anna May Jarvis (1864-1948), a Philadelphia schoolteacher, began a movement to establish a National Day to honor mothers. She begged legislators and prominent businessmen to support her idea.

Other attempts were made prior to 1907 but nothing took hold until May 12, 1907. On that date, a small service was held in the Andrew’s Methodist Episcopal Church in Grafton, West Virginia

On May 8, 1914, the U.S. Congress passed a law making the second Sunday of May as Mother’s Day. The next day, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed it a National Holiday. In 1934, President Franklin D. Roosevelt approved a stamp commemorating the holiday. The Grafton Methodist Church is now the International Mother’s Day Shrine and is a National Historic Landmark. Three cheers for Anna Jarvis.

A few years ago, Stella and I heard a minister preach a powerful and personal sermon. It was based on Isaiah 66:13. The comfort of a mother was compared to the comfort we receive from God. The minister enforced this idea by quoting Isaiah 51:12, “My God, even thy God, is He that comforts you.”

These truths and other values about mothers should be emphasized all year. Once a mother she is one as long as she lives.

Of course, there are some mothers that defy the high standard of

motherhood. Their values are far less than what society has envisioned. However, the percentage of those kinds of mothers are minimal in comparison to the loving, giving and comforting mothers that most of us know.

Moms have provided motivation for success, the benefits of education and spiritual values to the kids. The records stand for themselves. The high number of men in sports who voice “thanks” to mom for their successful endeavors are often recorded on TV.

Winston Churchill said, “My mother made a brilliant impression upon my childhood life. She shone for me like the evening star--I loved her dearly.”

George Washington was profound when he said, “My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother.”

Abraham Lincoln was eloquent in his description of our nation. Equal to his words was what he said about his mother. “All that I am or hope to be I owe to my angel mother. I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.”

The Bookmark Review: In Conclusion, Don’t Worry About It


rowing up with my mom, you KNOW who Lauren Graham is. References like “Squeegee Beckenheim,” “Tookie Clothespin,” June 3rd, “coffee coffee coffee,” and “Oy with the poodles already” from the Gilmore Girls are all things my family understands.


This book’s focus? Inspiration. The book is based off the graduation speech Graham gave in her home town in 2017, expanded with more details. Throughout the book Graham has put her own drawings and cracks many jokes to get the reader laughing! With her jokes and great word choice it felt like I was reading a book from not only Lauren Graham, but by the beloved character she played, Lorelai Gilmore in Gilmore Girls. Which, when all added up, makes one top-notch book.

But this book isn’t just for Graham fans. This is a fun, quick and uplifting read for anyone even if they have never head of Gilmore Girls (do those people exist?). In fact, it is the perfect gift to purchase right now - graduation season! This book is appropriate for

students graduating from elementary school, middle school, high school or college.

I am excited for more books to come from Lauren Graham. I strongly suggest you grab a copy for yourself and a friend because I can guarantee you will enjoy reading it as much as I did. Where Lauren Graham books lead, we will follow!!!

I would like to give a special thank you to Penguin Random House for sending me the book after my media inquiry. Fingers crossed there will be a Lauren Graham interview someday in the future!

Bookmark Review: I give In Conclusion, Don’t Worry About It 4.5 out of 5 bookmarks! Caden Henderson is our youngest contributing writer, submitting stories from a variety of topics biweekly.

Chasing our Dreams 5K set for Saturday at Cal State, registration now open

nline registration is now open for the second annual Chasing Our Dreams 5K Walk/Run, set for 8 a.m. Saturday, May 18, at the John M. Pfau Library lawn at Cal State San Bernardino.

Organized by the Coyote Dreamers Ally Network and the Undocumented Student Success Center at CSUSB, the walk/run will raise funds for scholarships to benefit CSUSB Dreamers and undocu-

I recently read a statement that was directed as a challenge to mothers: LIVE WELL; LOVE


These words have been written with the hope that all who read shall be inspired to honor, respect and remember the words of advice given to them by their mothers. Amen. Selah. So be it.

Supe r in ten de nt o f p ub lic in s tr u cti on c an did ate T hu r m on d ho lds f or um

More poetic words have been recorded for posterity on the idealization of mothers than any other subject. Great men have not been negligent in penning their love and respect.

Caden’s Cor ner Which is why I was so excited to do my first book review on New York Times bestselling author, Lauren Graham’s third book, In Conclusion, Don’t Worry About It.

Alberta Williams King was the mother of Martin Luther King, Jr. She once told him, “You must never feel that you are less than anybody else. You must always feel that you are somebody.”

mented students.

Cost is $20 for students and $30 for general registration. Event registration can be done online at the 2nd Annual Chasing Our Dreams 5K webpage at cs us b.edu/undocumented-s tudent-s ucces s center/2nd-annual-chasing-our-dreams-5k, or on the day of the event beginning at 7:30 a.m. For more information, call (909) 537-5937.


ssemblymember Tony Thurmond, a candidate in the California race for Superintendent of Public Instruction, visited San Bernardino Valley College on Saturday, May 12 and shared his plans to address the persistent achievement gaps facing low-income students and students of color in the second and final candidate forum presented by The Education Trust—West.

In an election that will have a major impact on the future of California’s education system, voters had the opportunity to engage directly with the candidate on his plans to improve California schools. “I understand it is hard,” Thurmond told the audience. “I understand it is a challenge. But I refuse to accept that we cannot help every student in this state.”

Page A6 • May 17, 2018 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers

Humans and dogs walk to benefit Humane Society


iecn photos


From left: san Manuel public safety officer George Pangelinan and his partner Lena, a public safety K-9 who is a three-year-old Belgian Malinois; Joe Payan from san Bernardino and his canine companion Julie; Jerry Valdivia and his wife Tammy from highland brought 3 dogs. Ricardo Tomboc

n Saturday, May 12, the Humane Society of San Valley Bernardino (HSSBV) had its annual “Walk for the Animals” fundraising event at the San Manuel Stadium, and presented by the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians. Several vendors, spectators, and participants in the walk brought their dogs. It was a little cold, cloudy, and some misty rain came down at times, but it did not deter guests from enjoying the day. HSSBV reported $14,000 was raised to benefit their programs and services. The LA Rams Cheerleaders came to support the event; they greeted people at the front entrance and posed for photographs. Although the main event was

Walk for the Animals, there were several activities for both dogs and their owners - musical hoops, pet contest, a pet play area, photo booth, raffles, and more.

Ms. California North America 2018 Erica Franco and Snoopy, her 5-year-old Belgian Lab Mix, greeted guests at the entrance and helped judge the various canine contests.

Jeff Pope, host of the Jeff Pope Show on HOT 103.0 was the Master of Ceremonies. Several San Manuel Public Service Officers including San Manuel Public Safety Officer George Pangelinan and his K-9 partner Lena participated in the event. Lena is a Public Safety K-9 who is a three-year-old Belgian Malinois. Participants in the walk raised

funds by acquiring sponsors who American and veteran flags were pledged a certain amount of both waving in the air as Julie money for each lap they com- walked. pleted around the baseball field. The HSSBV has been in the Hugo and Cecy Garcia from community since 1970, Walk for Chino participated in the walk for the Animals has been held for over the first time. They brought two 20 years. The HSSBV has many little dogs, Ricky and Vicky. programs include veterinary clinVicky who is 12 years old, had hip ics, micro-chipping, therapy dog surgery 8 years ago which left her evaluations, crisis team services, two back legs paralyzed and un- cruelty to animal investigations, able to walk. However, Vicky was and group obedience classes. equipped with a special wheel- HSSBV occasionally offers spechair for dogs and was able to not cial grants to senior citizens over only keep up, but pass many of her 66 years of age to assist with their pets. Fundraising events are held fellow canines! several times during the year, but Joe Payan from San Bernardino donations are accepted at any brought his canine companion Julie to the walk. Julie was also entered in the “Most Fluffy” contest and tied for first place. Julie was in a dog vest bearing 2 flags protruding from the top - an

Sunset Rotar y presents scholar ship to Evelyn Cor tez

iecn photo courtesy


Evelyn Cortez, middle, is the recipient of san Bernardino sunset rotary club’s scholarship.

Option House hosts 15th annual Walkathon against domestic violence last Saturday

time. Volunteers are also needed to help with daily operations.

HSSBV’s mission statement is “To prevent cruelty and neglect to animals; to educate children and all members of the community about animal welfare issues, and to provide for the health and wellbeing of animals with an emphasis on spay/neuter to prevent pet overpopulation.”

For more information on the services, programs, events, volunteering opportunities and donations inquiries, contact the HSSB at www.hssbv.org or call 909-3861400.

Inland Empire Community Newspapers • May 17, 2018 • Page A7

Feel the speed: 26 May is AMA Lucas Oil Motocross


as an amateur. When he is in contention, the crowd seems louder, more intense, even crazier since he is a hometown hero.

By Joaquin Juarez

len Helen Raceway is going to hold the second round of the Lucas Oil AMA Motocross Championship Series on Saturday, May 26 as Malcolm Smith Motorsports presents the FMF Glen Helen National. The epicenter of motocross with the greatest racing history in Southern California is here in the Inland Empire, prepped and ready, so load up and get out there.

Motocross fans will again have the opportunity to “feel the speed” and cheer for their favorites amongst the many professionals from many countries that pursue the dream of becoming a champion.

Glen Helen has the largest, tallest hills on the circuit, many of the biggest jumps, the longest start straight and the steepest and highest banked first turn. Where do most professionals practice? Thursdays at Glen Helen Raceway. Come out and ride with them on practice days and come watch them the 26th of May. There is no better way to spend a Saturday…unless your rain gutters filled with leaves can’t wait another weekend!

On Friday the 25th of May, Glen Helen will host Amateur Races for racers of all levels and abilities. Riders will be able to race on the same track the professionals race on Saturday. You can race Friday and watch the pros Saturday.

Eli Tomac will wear #1 this summer. This summer’s racing starts with many questions, especially when it comes to defending champions.

Eli Tomac has the confidence, fitness and ability to continue his winning ways and be the champion in the “big-boy” class for the second summer in a row. Marvin Musquin will do his best to prevent that and win a U. S. AMA Championship to add to his World GP championships. Another question is will Ken Roczen return, and at what level? The Honda rider has suffered his second horrible mishap in supercross for the second year in a row. We all hope to see him out at full strength on his Honda.



In a sport where mental toughness can mean getting that extra spark to be the winner, each competitor must talk themselves into succeeding. In the 450 class, California boys Weston Peick and Blake Baggett are working hard, each have a chance to get on the podium in front of their home area fans. Bagget, sponsored by John Burr Cycles when he was an amateur and living in Grand Terrace, will try to regain the momentum that helped him earn a 250 championship a few years ago.

Josh Grant, coming out of supercross with a fractured leg, will be coming back to Glen Helen hoping to grab some more victories. Grant has won a few motos in his professional career at Glen Helen, not to mention the countless ones

The defending 250 champion, Zach Osbourne, just wrapped up his second straight 250 supercross title. He is the favorite in Lucas Oil Pro Motocross. Former champion Jeremy Martin has shown his comfort level with his Honda in recent races and will be ready to battle for the championship. The 250 class always seems to be filled with more potential championship contenders, so this class will be stacked with intensity and excitement all summer long.

The biggest winners are the fans who get to witness these men and their machines battle the track, the elements and one another to be the best and step on to the podium. Which step of the podium will it be? Come find out!

For all information regarding the Glen Helen National, round 2 of the Lucas Oil AMA Motocross Championship Series, check out www.glenhelen.com. If you want to find out more information on the series in general, go to www.mxsports.com, www.promotocross.com and www.racerxonline.com.

Page A12 • May 17, 2018 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers

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