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e e k l y W EL CHICANo Vol 56, NO. 21



May 17, 2018

S t . Jo h n ’ s A n g e l s , c o m m u n i t y i n v i t e d t o D o d g e r g a m e


Gloria’s Cor ner A3



Maryjoy Duncan

50 members of the community were invited to experience a Dodger game on Saturday, May 12, courtesy of Kids 4 Dodgers Baseball. 35 youth and 15 adults received T-shirts, meal vouchers and transportation to and from the game. Pictured in the middle is Gary Ferrer.

By Maryjoy Duncan

Annual Walk for the Animals fundr aiser


ver two dozen exuberant youth were brimming with excitement inside the multi-use room at St. John’s Episcopal Church in San Bernardino, while their parents looked on with as much enthusi-

asm on Saturday, May 12. They were eagerly awaiting the LA Dodgers bus to take them to the baseball stadium for an all-inclusive experience that includes the game, T-shirts, and meal vouchers for stadium concessions through the Kids 4 Dodgers Baseball program (K4DB).

This adventure was a result of Gary Ferrer’s inquiry last year to the Dodgers about the possibility for his folklórico youth group, St. John’s Angels, to perform before a game. Dodgers representatives inquired of Ferrer’s story and discovered his battle with meningitis that almost claimed his life in

2016 that left him blind would change the course of his life to one of dedicated community service.

Following an arduous battle with a bout of depression, Ferrer, with the support of husband Ivan Dodgers, cont. on next page


C o - c r e a t o r o f The Ninja Turtles K e v i n E a s t m a n a d d s to mural at McDonald’s Museum

hen Phil Yeh started the murals at the site of the first McDonald’s in San Bernardino with his artist friends in 2012, he had great dreams that one day some of his more successful friends would show up and add to the walls.

Motocross season retur ns to Glen Helen



Gloria’s Corner

On May 11, 2018, Kevin Eastman made an appearance in San Bernardino to add the characters that he created with Peter Laird in 1984. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles started as a black and white comic book, became an animated cartoon series, and then branched into feature films.






Words To think About A5

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LinDa aDaMs yeh

Local artist Phil yeh who started the murals at the first McDonald’s in San Bernardino, invited longtime friend and artist Kevin eastman to add to the mural - he did so on Saturday, May 12, adding the characters of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles inside the car.

Yeh first met Eastman in Northampton, Massachusetts in 1990. He had been suggested to come up and meet Eastman by cartoonist Rick Veitch when they were both in Budapest, Hungary painting a mural for literacy with cartoonists from around the world. Eastman agreed to fund Yeh’s book Theo the Dinosaur in 1991 which featured a foreword Mural , cont. on next page

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