El Chicano 5 24 18

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e e k l y W EL CHICANo Vol 56, NO. 22



May 24, 201 8

New playg round pr ovides fun, safe place f or fa milies a t Per ris H il l Park


Gloria’s Cor ner A3

Veterans Wa ll of Fr eedom

featur ed in Gr and Ter r ace Memor ial D ay


Living independentl y f or fir st time, f oster youth receive new fur niture


iecn photo


over 150 volunteers from Foresters Financial, the city of san Bernardino and the community joined KaBooM! on saturday, May 19 to transform a piece of perris hill park into a kid-designed, state-of-the-art playground.

By Maryjoy Duncan

ver 150 volunteers came out to Perris Hill Park on Saturday morning to give the children of the neighborhood a brand new playground structure courtesy of KaBOOM! and

Foresters Financial. This is the 7th brand new, kid-designed, state-ofthe-art structure assembled in the city.

“By including the community it brings a sense of ownership to the community, making this a more

family-friendly atmosphere,” said City of San Bernardino Parks and Recreation Department Director Jim Tickemyer. In March, 25 neighborhood participated in Kid Design Day where they illustrated what their

dream playgrounds would be. integrated those Designers designs to create the playground equipment that features a triple slide, rock climbing wall, bridges and more, replacing the 17-yearold structure that had fallen into

Playground, cont. on next page

L e a g u e o f Wo m e n Vo t e r s h o n o r s Citizens of Achievement



Gloria’s Corner




Words To think About A5

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on sunday, May 20 the League of Women Voters honored their citizens of Achievement. pictured are volunteers from the Garcia center for the Arts in san Bernardino. From left: LWV co-president Betsy Starbuck, Luis Fuerte, Maggie Foss, Richard Gonzalez, Dorothy Garcia, George Bohn and LWV patron Gloria Anderson.

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