El Chicano 06/16/22

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Vol 59, NO. 26

June 1 6, 2022

San Ber nardino’s unofficial election results ar e i n , H e l e n Tr a n t a k e s t h e l e a d i n m a y o r a l r a c e


By Manny Sandoval

City of San he Bernardino had a big night on June 7th during the California Midterms, where elections were held for the mayoral seat and council seats in wards one, two, and four.


While the votes are still counted, it’s evident that the City had a meager voter turnout, as out of the 216,000 citywide population, total votes sit at a staggering 16,340 as of Monday, June 13th.

With the votes tallied thus far, Mayoral Candidate and Businesswoman Helen Tran are in the lead, with 41.52 percent of the votes.

Free live show s all summer long at the Iconic Redlands Bowl Pg. 8


Manny Sandoval

.Mayor John Valdivia, Henry Nickel, Dr. Treasure Ortiz, Helen Tran and James F. Penman at the San Bernardino Mayoral Forum on April 11th.

In comparison, Candidate James F. Penman has garnered 20.10 percent of the votes, and Incumbent Mayor John Valdivia Election, cont. on next pg.

Ci ty of San Ber nardino Awarded $4.2 Million as P a r t o f C a l i f o r n i a Yo u t h J o b s P r o g r a m

Community news

Juneteenth is S u n d a y, J u n e 19th in San Ber nardino County and across the nation H OW TO R E AC H US

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The City of San Bernardino, in partnership with California Volunteers, Office of the Governor has announced that it has been awarded a $4,169,142 grant to hire nearly 70 young and early career staff members over the next two years.

The City will hire individuals in the Parks and Recreation, Animal Services, Library, and Police Departments, along with additional positions in partnership with local Community Based Organizations (CBO’s).

Part of the Office of the PHOTO Manny Sandoval Governor, California Volunteers The #CaliforniansForAll Youth Jobs Corps Program is a $185 million California Volunteers prooversees the #CaliforniansForAll gram funded over two years through the 2021 Budget Act, an investment made by the Governor Youth Jobs Corps program, and State Legislature. which is working to employ local youth under the age of 30 across develop career pathways, and individuals that can make a dif- be able to place new staff memference across the city is not bers, inspire them to pursue the state to help address urgent serve their communities. something that happens very challenges in California while “The ability to create so many often,” said San Bernardino City participants learn key job skills, Jobs, cont. on pg. 2 positions for young, early career Manager Robert Field. “We will

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