El Chicano 06/02/22

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Vol 59, NO. 24

June 02, 2022

S a n B e r n a r d i n o Va l l e y C o l l e g e a w a r d s o v e r 7 , 5 0 0 degrees and cer tificates at 2022 commencement


By Manny Sandoval


n May 25th, San Bernardino Valley College awarded over 7,500 degrees and certificates to 4,500 brand new graduates from the class of 2020, 2021, and 2022.

While the temperature was blazing that morning, thousands of family, friends and loved ones attended the outdoor commencement ceremony at the SBVC Football Stadium to celebrate, including those students who received a virtual commencement in 2020 and 2021 amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic.

1,000 books before kindergarten, a new SB County Initiative Pg. 3

“We’re here to honor the graduating class of 2022 and the class of 2020 and 2021 who graduated virtually and are now able to join us in person; congratulations you did it. Many of you will be continuing your education at universities in California and across the country. While some of you are ready to enter the most competi-



Over 4,500 students from the class of 2020, 2021, and 2022 received 7,500 degrees and certificates from SBVC on Wednesday, May 25th.

tive career fields in the nation, where you will directly impact the quality of your life - your knowledge comes with power, your education gives you power, and each of you has the power to impact your community and the world beyond,” said Interim

President Dr. Scott W. Thayer.

Leading the ceremony into the Pledge of Allegiance, Associated Student Governor Bridget Pierce shared sentiment on her 40-year journey to graduation.

“I started my journey at SBVC right out of high school, but at the age of 20 I was frustrated with myself and I purposely left my backpack in the parking lot one night after class. I returned to SBVC, cont. on next pg.

City of San Ber nardino to host “Starlight Cinema” Movie Nights in the Pa rk

Community News

County of San Bernardino Board of Supervisors unanimously proclaim June 19th of every year Juneteenth Pg. 9


Inland Empir e Co mmunity Newspaper s Of fice: (909) 381- 9898

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The City of San Bernardino Parks, Recreation & Community Services Department will host “Starlight Cinema” movie nights every Friday evening in June, beginning with a showing of the animated musical comedy Sing 2 on Friday, June 3, at Bryce Hanes Park.

Starlight Cinema is a free program where families and the entire community are invited to come together and watch a family friendly movie on an inflatable big screen at a San Bernardino community park.

Prior to the movie, there will be a variety of resource booths, food vendors, games and crafts starting at 5:00 pm. The movies will start at dusk. Moviegoers are encouraged to bring their lawn chairs, blankets, and snacks. Movie night, cont. on pg. 2


Movie nightsd in the park is kicking off on Friday June 3rd, at Bryce Hanes Park at 5PM. .

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