El Chicano 6 21 18

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e e k l y W EL CHICANo Vol 56, NO. 26



June 21, 2018

Muscoy students deser ve safe routes to school – project under scor es need f or sidewalks


Gloria’s Cor ner A3


Caden’s movie review: “Uncle Drew” A4

MaryJOy Duncan

Concerned residents, parents, students and local dignitaries celebrated the completion of the Muscoy Sidewalks for Safety project on Saturday, June 16 in front of Vermont Elementary. Those in attendance include Assemblymember Eloise reyes, San Bernardino Community College District Trustee Frank reyes, 5th District Supervisor Josie Gonzales’ Chief of Staff Dan Flores, Daniel Marmolejo representing San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools Superintendent Ted Alejandre, San Bernardino 6th Ward Council person Bessine richard, SCAG Regional Affairs Officer arnold San Miguel, San Bernardino City Unified School District President abigail Medina, Dr. Barbara Flores, SOAR IE, and Safe Routes to School National Partnership representatives.


By Maryjoy Duncan

yringes, beer bottles, cigarette butts, speeding cars and stray dogs are just a

few of the hazards that elementary students who live in Muscoy encounter on their walk to and from Vermont and Muscoy Elementary Schools. SOAR IE is

a group led by concerned high school and former Muscoy students who walked those paths everyday and know first-hand the perils entailed.

The group conducted a walk audit in March and documented traffic hazards and identified trafSafety, cont. on next page

Fer rer one of 56 r ecognized as Vision2BActive Action Her o

SBVC recognized for increasing graduate earnings 551%



Gloria’s Corner




Words To think About A5

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blind dance and Zumba instructor, a Redlands police officer who created a CrossFit gym that helped improve fitness in his community, and a high school student who started a health movement in elementary school that has been expanded to the whole school district were among 56 Action Heroes honored today by the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors.

“We are proud to celebrate the efforts of our fellow neighbors, friends and coworkers who are meeting the challenge to stay active, whether they’ve started a walking group at work or run a 5K race for the first time,” said Board of Supervisors Chairman Robert Lovingood.

Gary Ferrer of San Bernardino lost his eyesight due to meningitis in 2016, but ultimately it did not deter the former avid photograper. He embraced his love of dance and teaches Zumba and Ballet Folklórico daily at St. John’s Episcopal Church in San Bernardino, at no charge. Action Hero, cont. on next pg.


Gary Ferrer, who lost his eyesight due to meningitis, avidly teaches Zumba and folklórico daily for free at St. John’s Episcopal Church in San Bernardino. He is pictured here with Dr. Maxwell Ohikhuare, Health Officer, San Bernardino County Public Health Department, his Folklórico students Monse, Jazmin, Marisol and Lily, and 5th District County Supervisor Josie Gonzales.

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