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e e k l y W EL CHICANo Vol 56, NO. 30



July 19, 2018

Yo u t h G r a n t m a k e r s a s s e s s n e e d s o f c o m m u n i t y, a w a r d g r a n t s


By maryjoy duncan


Gloria’s Cor ner Pg. 3

he Community Foundation’s Youth Grantmakers Program, completing its ninth year, has provided the opportunity for high school students in Riverside and San Bernardino counties the opportunity to be philanthropic while obtaining critical skills leadership, public speaking, compromise, reading and analyzing grant applications.

During the 2017-2018 year 77 Youth Grantmakers made up the Riverside, San Bernardino, Coachella, and most recently Temecula (with students from the Pechanga Tribe) programs, representing 23 high schools in the two-county region.

Siblings donate birthday money to Children’s Hospital Pg. 6

“The goal is teach young people about the tradition of philanthropy,” said Celia Cudiamat, Senior Vice President of Grants and Community Impact. “We hope the end result is an ethic of service and lifelong involvement in their community.”


The CommuniTy FoundaTion

Grantmakers, cont. on next pg.

The San Bernardino Youth Grantmakers 2017-2018 was comprised of 21 students from Aquinas and Cajon High Schools, and Mother of Divine Grace Schools. They awarded grants to four local nonprofits - Big Brothers Big Sisters Inland Empire, The YouthHope Foundation, Highlander Boxing Club Program and San Bernardino Fatherhood.


Bernardino, on Thursday, July 12. The 33,000-square-foot clinic began serving the community with a soft opening on Monday, March 26, 2018. The clinic

Ar rowhead Regional Medical Center o p e n s n e w Fa m i l y H e a l t h C e n t e r i n S B

Little League Western Regionals start this Saturday

Pg. 8


Gloria’s Corner




Words To Think About 5

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rrowhead Regional Medical Center (ARMC) held a grand opening celebration at its new location for Arrowhead Family Health Center – McKee, in San

includes 44 exam rooms and two procedure rooms, and as a family practice clinic, it will treat patients from birth through geriatrics. The care team is comprised of experienced family

medicine physicians, nurse practitioners, residents from ARMC’s Family Medicine Residency Training Program, and other McKee, cont. on next page

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