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Vol 54, NO. 32
THIS WEEK Gloria’s Corner
Proposed DACA repeal raises concerns among Inland immigrant youth
A3 By Anthony Victoria
C hi l dre n ’s Bi cy cle an d Safe ty E xpo A ug. 5 A6
vier Alvarez knew it would be difficult to build a decent life as an undocumented immigrant living in the U.S. The 28-year-old photographer and community organizer from Michoacan, Mexico said he struggled to create a feasible work and educational plan for himself. “I couldn’t apply for credit cards, loans, or anything that could provide me a start,” Alvarez explained. “And I didn’t want to obtain fake documents like other immigrants. It was a difficult time for me.” Alvarez eventually received the opportunity to obtain a driver’s license and apply for employment through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program established by the Obama administration in June 2012. Five years later he’s a proud homeowner, commitDACA cont. on next page
G ong or a fi rst to fi le for Fon tana sch ool di stri ct election
Inland Empire Immigrant Youth Collective Program and Development Organizer Mitzie Perez believes DACA recipients should remain calm, grounded, and resolute in times of uncertainty.
SB folklorico instructor Ferrer honored by City Council By Anthony Victoria
Gloria’s Corner Words To think About Legal Notices Opinion Classifieds
A3 A5 A8 A4 A7
HOW TO REACH US Inland Empire Community Newspapers Office: (909) 381-9898 Fax: (909) 384-0406 Editorial: iecn1@mac.com Advertising: sales@iecn.com
PHOTO/BILL SANDEFUR Gary Ferrer, center, being honored by the San Bernardino City Council during their meeting on July 19, 2017. Ferrer teaches Baile Folklorico and Zumba at St. Johnʼs Episcopal Church. With him are Councilmember Benito Barrios, right, and Assemblyman Marc Steinorthʼs Field Representative Cameron Griffin, left.
aile Folklorico instructor Gary Ferrer was honored by the San Bernardino City Council last Wednesday for his commitment to teaching young children how to sway to the sound of Mexican folk music. Ferrer expressed gratitude to the city for the honor. “Receiving the recognition was a surprise,” Ferrer said. “I don’t think about rewards, I just teach because I love to dance and serve my community.” Ferrer, 28, teaches about 16 free folklorico and 40 Zumba classes per month at St. John’s Episcopal Church, which is located at 1407 N. Arrowhead Avenue. The Mexican native does so without eyesight. Ferrer lost his vision last year after contracting fungal meningitis. Despite his adversity, Ferrer said he refuses to stay at home-preferring to go out and help othFerrer cont. on next page
July 27, 2017
Aguilar denounces GOP efforts regarding border wall
ashington, D.C. — In a press conference on July 25 and on the House floor, Rep. Pete Aguilar (D-San Bernardino) stood up to House Republican efforts to include $1.6 billion to fund President Donald Trump’s border wall between the United States and Mexico in a spending bill that is intended to support veterans, American troops and defense priorities for the fiscal year. The construction of a border wall was a campaign promise of then-candidate Trump, who said he would make Mexico pay for it. “The bill we’re talking about today should be about providing critical funds to keep our service members safe, take care of our veterans and to support necessary defense programs; it should not be about helping President Trump keep a campaign promise that has no grounding in reality,” said Rep. Aguilar. He continued, “Rather than come to the table and work on meaningful, bipartisan and long-term solutions to fix our broken immigration system, House Republicans would rather give American families’ paychecks to President Trump so he can build his wall. We are here to do the people’s work. Building this wall doesn’t do the people’s work – it soothes the president’s ego at the expense of American families.” Rep. Aguilar participated in a press conference with Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer and members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) earlier this morning to urge his colleagues to oppose legislation that includes the dangerous policy rider that would force Inland Empire families to pay for a border wall with Mexico. Rep. Aguilar is the Whip of the CHC. He also serves on the House Appropriations Committee, the House committee tasked with appropriating funds and spending for the federal government.