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e e k l y W EL CHICANo Features, Lifestyle & News You Can Use!

Vol 54, NO. 36

THIS WEEK Gloria’s Cor ner

Musicians and ar tists help raise funds for Garcia Center for the Ar ts



August 24, 201 7

Reyes launches Senior Advocacy Week


SB hosts 7th clean-up event at Blair Park A8



Local band El Santo Golpe performs for the community at the Garcia Center for the Arts during the ‘Pa’ delante’ event on August 19, 2017. Several musicians and artists came together to help fundraise to support the community center. By Anthony Victoria


he public was treated to a display of cumbia music and poetry at the Garcia Center for the Arts in San Bernardino on August 19.

Veterans Resource Fair pr ovide vital resources

“Pa’ delante”, which translates into move forward in English, was the name organizers chose for the fundraising event that promoted cultural awareness and creativity. Community advocates and musicians held the Pa’ delante event to

raise money to help financially support the community center. “We’re healing and defending San Bernardino through the cultural arts,” said musician Jose “Aguatl” Ledezma. Garcia, cont. on next page

Advocates celebrate and defend federal medical pr ograms



Gloria’s Corner


Words To think About A5 Legal Notices







Inland Empir e Community Newspaper s Of f ice: (909) 381 -9898 Fax: (909) 384- 0406 E di torial: ie cn1 @mac.com Adver tising : sale s@ie cn.c om

IECN PHOTO ANTHONY VICTORIA From left: Community advocates Ipyani Lockert, Bobbi Jo Chavarria, and Shirley Harlan urged Congressman Pete Aguilar (D-San Bernardino) and Assemblywoman Eloise Gomez Reyes (D-Grand Terrace) to fight to protect Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security benefits during an event to celebrate the programs on August 19, 2017.

By Anthony Victoria


ozens gathered at the Women’s Club of San Bernardino Saturday to celebrate the birthdays of

Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security and call on congressional leaders to fight to maintain health benefits to seniors and low income residents. “These programs are vital to our

communities,” said Katie Reed, President of the Women’s Club of San Bernardino. “Without them, many people would be without medical treatment that they truly Programs, cont. on next page


ast week Assemblymember Eloise Reyes launched her inaugural Senior Advocacy Week from August 14th to the 18th. During Senior Advocacy Week Assemblymember Reyes visited 15 senior facilities and met directly with hundreds of seniors to hear about their challenges and identify ways to improve the quality of life for seniors in the Inland Empire. “With over 200,000 Seniors in San Bernardino County, their specific issues and concerns can’t be ignored,” said Assemblymember Reyes “We will take a proactive approach to address the serious issues that are impacting their daily lives. In the 8 months since I have been in office seniors have shared with me the inequitable policies that diminish their quality of life, including lack of income, public transportation, unnecessary fees, lack of community spaces and affordable housing.” The next decade is expected to see a boom in the over-65 population in California. According to the Public Policy Institute of California the senior population in California will grow by four million people. By 2030 over 1 million seniors are expected to need some assistance with selfcare and another 100,000 will require nursing home care which will have a direct impact on state funding for senior care. This has far reaching implications as the state will need more facilities and trained workers to assist the senior population as well as policies that allow seniors to stay longer in their own homes. California will need a spectrum of policy responses to protect and advance the needs of aging populations.

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