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e e k l y W EL CHICANo Vol 56, NO. 33



August 9, 2018

S i n f o n i a M e x i c a n a M a r i a c h i Yo u t h A c a d e m y presents its fir st K er mes Festival Fundraiser Mexican food will be available for sale. The Kermes Festival will be at the Live Oak Canyon Pumpkin Patch, 32335 Live Oak Canyon Rd., Redlands, CA 92373. Please call (909) 744-2176 for more information or to make a donation. Sinfonia Mexicana is a non profit 501(c) (3) organization. Sinfonia Mexicana of San Bernardino founded the Mariachi Youth Academy in February 2009 to provide a comprehensive music education and its benefits for area youth who did not have access to an arts education. The Academy students learn to read music, understand music theory, learn to play their instrument, and perform mariachi music.

THIS WEEK Gloria’s Corner Pg. 3

Rep. Aguilar hosts job fair Pg. 5


infonia Mexicana Mariachi Youth Academy will present a “Kermes Festival Fundraiser” to raise funds for music education. The festival will be held on Saturday, August 18, 2018 from 3 PM to 8

PM at Live Oak Canyon Pumpkin Patch, 32335 Oak Canyon Road, Redlands, CA, CA 92373. The festival will feature performances by the Mariachi Youth

Academy, music by DJ Spin Junkie Ent., games, crafts, jumpers for children - and fun for the entire family. Enjoy traditional Mexican food in a beautiful outdoor ranch setting Admission is free, and traditional

Classes are currently being taught for beginner, intermediate and advanced students. With world-class musicians/instructors guiding the program, the Mariachi Youth Academy is a recognized learning institution for the advancement and promotion of the art of mariachi music and performance.

San Ber nardino City Council gives residents oppor tunity to vo te o n commercial ca nnabis o rdina nce County Board of Supervisors consolidate said election with the State General Election to be conducted the same date and to permit the Registrar of Voters to provide election services; and setting rules for arguments and rebuttals for and against said measure.

Western Regional Little League Tournament underway

Pg. 7

INSIDE Gloria’s Corner


Words To Think About 5 Opinion


Legal Notices





Inland Empire Community Newspapers Of fice: (909) 381- 9898 Fax: (909) 384-0406 Editorial: iecn1@mac.com Advertising: sales@iecn.com

By Manny B. Sandoval


uring the city of San Bernardino’s council meeting on Wednesday, August 1, city council voted on an election ordinance regulating commercial cannabis activities; and on submitting to the voters a general tax measure to establish a cannabis business tax. The contentious item was discussed for over two hours on Wednesday night.

“The item (No. 2018-227) passes 6-1 with Mr. Valdivia voting no,” said Gigi Hanna, San Bernardino City Clerk. According to the official city staff report, item no. 2018-227 recommends that the mayor and city council call a general municipal election to be held on November 6, 2018 for the purpose of submitting to the voters an ordinance regulating commercial cannabis activities; requesting that the San Bernardino

During public comment, San Bernardino resident Ben Isenberg said, “The council is tired of me saying that when it comes to cannabis regulation, we’re doing it wrong. The revised regulations showcase a very positive step forward.” Isenberg went on to say that with one item dealing with taxation and the other on regulation, he is worried that if the city moves forward with a regulation on the ballot, the only thing that can change it will be another ballot initiative. “We’ve all seen that regulations are never perfect the first time. My suggestion to this council

would be that instead of giving the regulations to the voters… you’ve already passed the structure, if you’re going to revise the structure, just pass the revision by an active council; and then pass the taxation, which has to be passed by the voters, under prop 218,” concluded Isenberg. The second item, submitting to the voters a general tax measure to establish a cannabis business tax, was passed in a unanimous 7-0 vote. “I’m in favor of sending the taxation component to the ballot because it’s a revenue enhancer. I’ll fully support this as written. Let’s move this item and get this going here. Let’s get this on the ballot,” said Councilman John Valdivia. The second item that council approved Wednesday night includes calling a general municipal election to be held for the Cannabis, cont. on next page

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