November 05, 2020
Vol 1 9, NO. 08
Unof ficial General Election results will be posted and updated regular ly on www.iecn.com and on Facebook @IECNWeekly www.iecn.com
Caden raises money for LLUH Pg. 5
Nutrition Ser vices hosts drive-thr u barbeque
Reyes advocates for seniors Pg. 6
H OW TO R E A CH U S Inland Empir e Community Newspaper s Of f ice: (909) 381 -9898 Editorial: ie cn1@ mac .com Adve r tising : sale s@iec n.c om Le gals : iec nle gals@ hotmail.com
ialto Child Nutrition has taken drive-thru service to a new level. On Tuesday, October 27th nearly 1,000 cars turned out for our BBQ Spooktacular. Serving 2,500 kids a two-day meal pack that included 2 breakfasts and 2 lunches brought the daily meal total to an astounding 10,000 meals served at this one location. Pulling into the parking lot at Rialto Middle School the smell of barbequed burgers, sounds of music, and the echoes of happy children could be heard all around. All kids 1-18 years received a BBQ Western Cheeseburger lunch that was made with homemade sauce. Meals also included fresh fruits, vegetables, and milk. Every car was provided two USDA Farmer to Families food boxes (dairy, meat, eggs, cheese, BBQ , cont. on next pg.
RUSD Nutrition Services served 10,000 meals on Tuesday, Oct. 27 during the BBQ Spooktacular event at Rialto Middle School. Each of the 1,000 cars who drove through received two USDA Farmer to Families food boxes. Pictured from left: Sarah Aguilar, Supervisor; Fausat RahmanDavies, Lead Agent; Nancy G. O’Kelley, RUSD Board President; and Kristina Kraushaar, Program Innovator.