Rialto Record 01 09 20

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Januar y 0 9, 2020

Vol 18 , NO. 17

Longtime Rialto educator, resident Rod Campbell passes too soon

kids the power of robotics through the Lego Robotics Competitions. Many people may not know it but Rod Campbell recently retired in May of 2019 and a lot of people wouldn't have noticed because his dedication to Rialto's kids went farther than a paycheck. Rod was passionate about helping students learn.

By David Phillips

www.iecn.com Gloria’s Cor ner Pg. 3

Vo l u n t e e r s n e e d ed for homeless Point in Time Count Pg. 5

Ca den sets collection reco rd of teddy bears for LLUCH

Pg. 7

INSIDE Gloria’s Corner


Words To Think About 6 Opinion


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hockwaves were felt throughout Rialto when word got out that longtime educator, husband and father Rod Campbell passed away at the age of 65. On November 29th, 2019 Rod Campbell passed away due to a heart attack. Many knew Rod Campbell and his family and if you are one of the few people that find yourselves scratching your head at his name it is almost a guarantee that someone you know was touched by this kind and caring man. Rod Campbell served the education community 33 years that you can document. He was a ROP teacher for Food Services serving all of Rialto Unified School District high schools, coordinator over Adult Education, and a teacher at Rialto Middle School. Most recently Rod Campbell showed us his passion for STEM and showing


Throughout his career, Rod Campbell held positions as an ROP Food Services Teacher (where he began his career in 1988), Adult Education Administrator, Rialto Middle School teacher, Builders Club Advisor with Kiwanis East Rialto, and ASB Advisor. Rod is pictured here with his beloved wife Cindy at a 49ers game.

At the December 11th Rialto Unified School Board meeting there was a moment of silence for Rod Campbell. Syeda Jafri, Lead Agent of Communications for Rialto Unified, said, "Mr. Campbell was an extremely caring and compassionate, lifelong educator, who understood the concept of the ‘whole-child,’ far before it was incorporated into the K12 philosophy. He was so many things to so many people, but above all, he was one of the kindest and youth-centered individuals. Mr. Campbell left a lasting, positive mark not only on his Campbell, cont. on next pg.

The Unforgettables Foundation hosts Annual Lights for Little Lives memorial walk for children By Ricardo Tomboc

and encouraging participants.

n New Year’s Eve Tuesday, December 31, during the late afternoon hours, several hundred people gathered in the parking lot in front of the Ronald McDonald House in Loma Linda to take part in The Unforgettables Foundation’s “20th Annual Light for Little Lives Memorial Walk”. There was a brief opening ceremony that included a welcome and introduction by the Unforgettable’s Founder Chaplain Timothy Evans and several others who also welcomed the participants.

Among the crowd were the parents of Arianna Villalobos who held a portrait of their daughter Arianna (Ari), pictured being held by Jesus with her head resting on His shoulders. Ari passed away from cancer on Oct. 1, 2019. All the family members and friends wore T-shirts with the image of Ari and the words “Don’t be sorry for Ari, Be Saved by Jesus”.


At sunset, parents who have lost a child in 2019 released a dove into the sky. A larger dove release followed, as all the doves took flight and gathered above the spectators into one flock encircling the area for several minutes before making their way home. A presentation to the mothers was made where dozens of red roses were placed on a little red wagon by everyone who had suffered the loss of a child. Carlos Pastrano (12) from



Carlos Pastrano, 12, from Bloomington, was chosen to pull the little red wagon that held dozens of red roses placed inside by everyone who had suffered the loss of a child. Bloomington, was selected to pull the little red wagon, leading hundreds of people making their way to the Campus Hill Church during the half-mile walk where formal ceremonies and recognitions were conducted. Carlos’ father Adam Pastrano got

involved in The Unforgettables Foundation after experiencing a loss of a child. Adam has helped put on car shows through his car club benefitting The Unforgettables. The Loma Linda Fire Department escorted those making the walk, blocking traffic

Not only did parents and families who had lost a child participate in the annual memorial walk, but among the group of about 300 were doctors, boy scouts, volunteers, clergy, community leaders, civic group members, and those representing other nonprofit organizations; all in support of The Unforgettables vision. At the Campus Hill Church, Senior Pastor Mark Etchell welcomed everyone and introduced Tim Evans who addressed the gathering. The Loma Linda Crossroads Rotary Club and The Memorial, cont. on next pg.

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