Rialto Record 01 16 20

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Januar y 16, 2020

Vol 18 , NO. 18

Billionaire Shane Feldman motivates School District leaders www.iecn.com Gloria’s Cor ner Pg. 3

SBCCD announces new board appointments Pg. 5


Motivaional speaker Shane Feldman, founder and CEO of the Count Me In, a global youth-led social volunteer organization, Robin Bowman-Gulley (left), RUSD Therapeutic Behavioral Strategist, brought Shane Feldman to Rialto. She saw him speak at a conference and won a contest to have him come to the Rialto Unified School District. Pictured left is Robin Bowman-Gulley alongside RUSD Board President Nancy G. O'Kelley, Shane Feldman, and Superintendent Dr. Cuauhtémoc Avila.

West Valley Water District Board conducts public meeting to scrutinize consultant contracts


Game day recipes go a long way

Pg. 8

INSIDE Gloria’s Corner


Words To Think About 6 Opinion


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nder the authority of the Board President, President Channing Hawkins initiated a special meeting to review and scrutinize professional services contracts. The direction by the Board President is the next step of strengthening transparency and accountability at West Valley Water District. President Channing Hawkins stated, “As President, I will continue moving forward in ensuring our community and ratepayers are given the opportunity they deserve to review, scrutinize, and provide input on how their funds are spent.” He added, “This is an additional step I have directed towards achieving the Transparency Certificate of Excellence.” The special meeting held by the Board was live streamed for the public view. It provided the public and ratepayers an opportunity to review contracts approved by the Board or within the $25,000 authority allowed by the General Manager per district policies. Fifteen contracts were reviewed or considered by the Board, which included professional ser-

vices for software integration, engineering, and employee recruitment among others. Vice President Kyle Crowther stated, “Together, our Board of Directors are moving to develop new policies and procedures to ensure the ratepayers funds are spent wisely. We will hold consultants accountable for their agreements with the District.” During the meeting, the Board

of Directors sought additional information and clarification for scope of services, length of agreements, and a timeline of deliverables. The public scrutiny by the Board is historic as continued action is taken towards gaining the public trust. On December 19, 2019, the Board of Directors took action to immediately develop a plan towards earning the distinguished

Transparency Certificate of Excellence. The certificate is recognized by the Special District Leadership Foundation (SDLF). These steps include: • applying for a Transparency Certificate of Excellence Award. The certificate covers all general, website and outreach best practices and requirements regarding WVWD, cont. on next pg.

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