Rialto Record 02 27 20

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Febr uar y 27 , 2020

Vol 18, N O. 2 4

City of Rialto submits state budget request to Califor nia State Assembly By Manny B. Sandoval

www.iecn.com Gloria’s Cor ner Pg. 3

Red Cross honors local heroes Pg. 7


n February 11, Rialto City Council approved state budget requests that will be sent to the office of Assemblymember Eloise Gomez Reyes. “On Jan 14, a member of Assemblymember Reyes’s district office addressed the city office regarding a request for a potential budget request that the city could submit to the assembly member as part of the normal state budget process,” said Stephen Erlandson, deputy city manager. Since January, city staff, including public safety, public works, community services and community development, generated a potential budget request list of $70 million in funding. Public safety asked for $5.6 million to cover firefighter rehabilitation and breathing support, vehicle interoperable emergency radios, emergency operations


Rialto City Council approving 2020 budget submittal to the California State Assembly. center, and citywide license plate reader systems. In a $63.9 million request, Public Works and Community Services asked for state assistance for projects such as a traffic management center upgrade, Riverside at Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) Bridge

Widening SR-210 at Alder Avenue Interchange Improvements, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Improvements. As for economic development, $625,000 is being requested to improve the city's mobile home repair program and to generate a

civic center place maker in Rialto. During discussion, council members were supportive of the budget request that was generated by city staff. Budget, cont. on next pg.

West Valley Water District hires fir m to rewrite HR policies, procedures Community News

Gala raises funds for LLUCH Pg. 12

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Words To Think About 6 Opinion


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n February 24, 2020, West Valley Water District (WVWD) Board President Channing Hawkins announced that the Water District selected a firm to rewrite the Human Resources: Policies and Procedures Manual, which is a critical step towards increase accountability, improving hiring procedures and ensuring the Water District maintains a healthy working environment and efficient operations for ratepayers. President Channing Hawkins stated, “It is inexcusable that we’ve been operating on an outdated policies and procedures for the Water District. I am confident the new policies and procedures will help end dysfunction and address ongoing personnel issues that need to be corrected. With these changes, employees can expect a better organization and ratepayers can expect a better, more efficient public resource.” WVWD, cont. on next pg.



The new manual will contain human resource and legal information as well as rights and obligations to employment. It will also contain organization expectations for employees and employee expectations for the company.

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