Vol 20, NO. 25
March 03, 2022
R ialto Hi sto ri ca l So ciety a pproved t o be r ena med a ft er P r e s i d e n t Je a n R a n d a l l , w h o d i e d a t 1 0 1 y e a r s o l d By Manny B. Sandoval
n February 8, Rialto City Council approved to rename the Rialto Historical Society to the Jean Randall Museum.
The approval from council was announced on what would have been Randall’s 102nd birthday, which was just five days after her death. “Every time I think of Ms. Randall I think of the Rialto Historical Society. The fact that she was still driving at 96 years of age, I was in awe. I would hope that in the spirit of all she contributed to our city that we give this recognition to her,” said Mayor Deborah Robertson.
SBSO presents Ro meo & Ju li et v s . We s t S i d e Stor y Pg. 5
Jean Randall was an alumni of San Bernardino High School’s class of 1937, and a pillar in the Rialto Community since 1920.
Randall certainly contributed much to the people in the city as she was president of the historical society for 12 years, a teacher at Rialto Unified School District’s Henry and Boyd Jean, cont. next pg.
School District cooperating with law enforcement, launches independent investigation into Carter High allegations By Maryjoy Duncan
CHC alumnus create new endowment fund Pg. 8
H OW TO R E A CH U S Inland Empire Community Newspapers Of f ice: (909) 381 -9898 Editorial: ie cn1@ mac .com Adve r tising : sale s@iec n.c om Le gals : iec nle gals@ hotmail.com
arter High School Assistant Principals David Yang, 39, and Natasha Harris, 37, were arrested without incident by Rialto Police on Wednesday, Feb. 23 after detectives launched an investigation into allegations of repeated sexual assault by a 17-year-old student on campus and discovered Yang and Harris, both mandated reporters, were notified of the assault in November of 2021 but failed to notify law enforcement as required by state law. Another victim was also identified to have reported sexual assault by the same male student in September of 2021, which Harris and Yang also did not report to law enforcement. A third victim came forward in February who had not previously Investigation, cont. next pg.
“The Board will do everything in its power to ensure our schools are safe for every student. As this matter very recently came to the attention of the Board, we will take immediate action to review and address this incident and the surrounding allegations,” Board of Education President Edgar Montes stated during the Feb. 23 board meeting. “The District will fully cooperate with law enforcement’s investigation and, in addition, will conduct an internal review consistent with its legal obligations and take appropriate action as necessary.”