Vol 20, NO. 28
March 24, 2022
S oc i al me di a and p ivo t i ng o pe ra t io n s ca r ri e d Pat i o We s t D e l i t h r o u g h t h e t o u g h e s t p a r t s o f p a n d e m i c By Manny B. Ssandoval
hen almost one-third of small businesses stopped operating during the early stages of the pandemic, Rialto’s beloved Patio West Deli stood the test of time.
The sandwich restaurant, run by owners Gloria Miller and Claudia Szypusz, has been serving the city for over 40 years. Amidst the chaotic early stages of the pandemic when many small businesses were forced to close their doors, Patio West Deli beefed up its social media presence and began offering curbside pickup, a service not typically offered by a mom-and-pop restaurant.
IECN recognizes Women’s History Month Pg. 5
Claudia Szypusz and Gloria Miller, owners of Patio West Deli have owned the small business for over 30 years.
“Months before the pandemic began we had implemented phone orders and pick-ups, so that helped us out tremendously. But, one of the biggest hurdles we faced was communicating to Deli, cont. next pg.
Car ter, Rialto High Schools advance in MESA Science Competiton
he Knights and Lions are on fire — and not the kind that a fire department needs to assist with; these schools are thriving on academic excellence in science MESA Education.
Arts Fest returns to San Bernardino Pg. 4
H OW TO R E A CH U S Inland Empire Community Newspapers Of f ice: (909) 381 -9898 Editorial: ie cn1@ mac .com Adve r tising : sale s@iec n.c om Le gals : iec nle gals@ hotmail.com
On March 2, 2022, Carter High School and Rialto High Schools’ students competed in the Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) Competition, where University of California, Riverside (UCR) professors and higher education experts judged the work of several high schools, including Carter and Rialto High School students. On March 17, 2022, the MESA student winners were announced with many Knights and Lions earning first, second and third Competition, cont. next pg.
Mikal Thompson, Rialto High School science teacher and MESA advisor, works with Brandon Aldana, junior, on a project during class recently. Aldana helped the Knights take first place in the Math Escape Challenge at the MESA Competition hosted by the University of California, Riverside. Overall, Rialto High School had an incredible seven first-place finishes at the competition.