Mar 25, 2021
Vol 1 9, NO. 28
Dick and Jo Elliott celebrate 70 years! By Marina Rojas
Assemblyman Ramos honors Wo m e n o f Distinction Pg. 3
eventy years ago, in 1951, houses cost about $9,000. Gas was 19 cents a gallon and a new car was about $1,500. “I Love Lucy” hit the airways for the first time and the first computer, UNIVAC, came on the scene weighing 16,000 pounds, standing 14 ½ feet by 7 ½ feet by 9 feet wide. People all over the United States were swaying to the tunes of Perry Como, Tony Bennett, and Nat King Cole. It was an exceptionally good year. On March 3, 1951, also seventy years ago, a young couple named Dick and Jo Elliott from Rialto, California, stood before family and friends and promised to stay together “for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health.” Fast forward to today, and they are still standing together, having just celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary. Elliotts, cont. on next pg.
Dick and Jo Elliott, married on Mar. 3, 1951, celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary with close friends and family this past Sunday. Their secret to a lasting marriage - compromise, making adjustments, remaining committed, and faith.
Rialto Police Depar tment seeks funding to continue successful programing for homeless By Manny B. Sandoval
SB Symphony offers second chance season Pg. 4
H OW TO R E A CH U S Inland Empir e Community Newspaper s Of f ice: (909) 381 -9898 Editorial: ie cn1@ mac .com Adve r tising : sale s@iec n.c om Le gals : iec nle gals@ hotmail.com
ince June 2020, Rialto Police Department has been partnering with Social Work Action Group (SWAG), a nonprofit organization that is advocating, educating, and inspiring individuals and families in the Rialto community and beyond to achieve sustainable independence. Last year, the successful partnership was funded by the San Bernardino County Homeless Emergency Aid Program and funding is coming to an end on May 31, 2021. “We’re at a time where homeless matters are critical and the program with SWAG has proven to be highly successful in our city. Since last year we have seen many cases of our city’s homeless find permanent housing and we have the stats to prove the proFunding , cont. on next pg.
Homeless elder Lawrence placed in his new permanent housing in early March with the assistance of SWAG.