March 12, 2020
Vol 18, NO. 26
Rialto approves funding from San Ber nardino County to conduct Census 2020 By Manny B. Sandoval
n February 25, Rialto City Council approved $45,000 in funding from San Bernardino County to provide outreach services and conduct the 2020 Census.
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The census is performed every 10 years and in 2010, over 95,000 California residents were undercounted. “Obtaining an accurate and complete count poses challenges due to several factors. The housing affordability crisis has forced more Californians to move into hard-to-count unconventional housing and overcrowded dwellings or to become homeless,” said City Administrator Rod Foster.
Brian Levin honored with Wang Family Excellence Award
At the meeting, Foster stressed the importance of counting accuracy in order to garner an adequate amount of resources for Rialto residents. Census, cont. on next pg.
Pg. 5
Rialto City Council approved funding from San Bernardino County to provide Census 2020 outreach and spread awareness to its residents and constituents.
WVWD Board President Channing takes actions to improve financial responsibility Community News
Community invited to free Easter event
Pg. 7
INSIDE Gloria’s Corner
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n an effort to continue the improvement of financial responsibility and accountability standards at the West Valley Water District (WVWD) Board President Channing Hawkins announced a series of immediate actions effective immediately. WVWD Board President Channing Hawkins stated, “We have made great strides but there is a lot more work for us to do. After consulting with staff and reviewing initial audit findings, the time has come to take immediate steps to address every issue.” Board President Channing Hawkins also directed the following: the purchasing department and all purchasing functions will report to the CFO. board members to attach a meeting agenda to each reimbursement or stipend form for
every meeting for which they request reimbursement.
board members and employees to complete expense reimbursement forms with receipts attached for all travel, conference, meals (etc.) expenses and submit them to the WVWD chief financial officer (CFO) for reimbursement. all employees to include receipts attached to an expense reimbursement forms from all incurred expenses (including credit card purchases) incurred to accounting on a monthly basis. board members to complete a mandatory ethics training by the end of March. the Water District to contract with an independent firm to create an accounting manual, which will include new fiscal policies and procedures. The direction from the Board President comes after a meeting between the Water District and the State Controller’s Office.
During the meeting, the State Controller’s Office informed the Board President of initial findings from the ongoing audit, which is yet to be provided to the Water District. The audit conducted by the State Controller’s Office reviews the Water District from 2014 to 2019. A majority of the current Board of Directors were not serving in their current capacity for the timeframe currently being reviewed.
Directives from the Board President are in compliance with best practices compiled by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), which is a professional association of approximately 19,000 state, provincial and local government finance officers in the United States and Canada. The GFOA identifies best practices, policies and procedures that contribute to WVWD, cont. on next pg.