April 08, 2021
Vol 1 9, NO. 30
Advance your education, registration open for Rialto Adult School Educationl
hat are you waiting for? It is so easy for adult students to advance their education by earning a high school diploma or GED. And Rialto Unified School District is making it even easier. The Rialto Adult School (RAS) is enrolling students each week, Monday through Thursday, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Visit RAS at 324 N. Palm Ave., building G-1 in Rialto, or call (909) 879-6010 to start the process. It’s simple and registration forms can be completed and turned in on the same day. Interested students can also v i s i t https://kec.rialto.k12.ca.us/ae for more information.
First vir tual event ta kes p la c e A pr.1 9 Pg. 3
Great things are happening at RAS, and you should join. “Now is an exciting time to parRAS, cont. on next pg.
Thomas Catalin, right, completed his credits and earned his high school diploma after attending the Rialto Adult School. Here, he proudly stands with Rialto Adult School Principal Kimberly Watson on graduation day in 2020.
LaSalle administer s 220 COVID-19 shots to local African American residents
urses from LaSalle Medical Associates vaccinated more than 220 people Saturday during a Rialto clinic designed to give the Black community better access to COVID-19 vaccinations.
Caden Center: Mighty Ducks Pg. 8
H OW TO R E A CH U S Inland Empir e Community Newspaper s Of f ice: (909) 381 -9898 Editorial: ie cn1@ mac .com Adve r tising : sale s@iec n.c om Le gals : iec nle gals@ hotmail.com
LaSalle teamed up with San Bernardino’s New Hope Missionary Baptist Church and The Inland Empire Concerned African American Churches to put on the March 20 clinic, part of an innovative approach in which the church gathered a list of interested people, and LaSalle staff members contacted them to make appointments. Alicia Cazenave of San Bernardino was happy that her church worked with LaSalle to bypass the bureaucratic roadblocks she experienced earlier when trying to make appointments for family members through government agencies. Vaccine, cont. on next pg.
Dr. Albert Arteaga, La Salle Medical Associates Founder and CEO, left, chats with Baron Jordan of San Bernardino in the observation area after he received his one dose Johnson and Johnson vaccine during a vaccination event for local African American residents held Mar. 30 at the LaSalle Medical Associates office in Rialto.