Rialto Record 04/21/22

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Vol 20, NO. 32

April 21, 2022

Super visor Baca hosts inaugural College and Career Day for local seniors


n Monday morning, Fifth District Supervisor Joe Baca, Jr. hosted his first “College and Career Day” for over 200 high school seniors that are a part of San Bernardino, Rialto, and Colton Joint Unified School Districts. The event took place at the Workforce Inland Center in San Bernardino and was meant to assist high school seniors explore their options after high school.


The event had over 20 vendors that had informative and interactive information regarding both jobs and college education opportunities after high school, for students who were interested in either. They were taught how to create a strong resume, how to dress for an interview, and even explore various jobs with our County Fire, Police, and EMT departments and dozens of other workforce departments and explore post-secondary opportunities.

IECN recognizes Earth Day 2022 Pg. 8





The event had over 20 vendors that had informative and interactive information regarding both jobs and college education opportunities after high school.

Fair, cont. on next pg.

Rialto City Council denies 2,400 sq. ft fast-food drive-thru restaurant, cites traffic concerns By Manny B. Sandoval


County’s unemployment rate reaches pre-pandemic levels Pg. 3

H OW TO R E A CH U S Inland Empire Community Newspapers Of f ice: (909) 381 -9898 Editorial: ie cn1@ mac .com Adve r tising : sale s@iec n.c om Le gals : iec nle gals@ hotmail.com

n April 12th, Rialto City Council unanimously denied the Planning Commission’s appeal for a conditional development permit (No. 2021-0002) for a 2,400 sq. ft fast food restaurant due to traffic concerns from the council and the public. The site, already owned by the Applicant Shareef Awad, is located on the Southeast corner of Casmalia Street and Ayala Drive within the Freeway Incubator Land Use District of the Renaissance Specific Plan. “The submitted appeal states the Planning Commission voted 4-0 in favor to deny the project on January 12th, 2022, and no public notice was given for the Planning Commission consideraImpact, cont. next pg.



At the city council meeting it was mentioned that at one point the city tried to purchase the piece of land from the owner who sold it to Shareef Awad, but had asked for an amount much higher than it was worth.

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