Rialto Record 04 30 20

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April 30, 2020

Vol 18, NO. 33

Olive Branch ensures children throughout I.E. have dinner, ser ves near ly 2,000 in April By Manny B. Sandoval



he Olive Branch Development and Empowerment Services Inc. has paved a way to ensure children from any community have an opportunity to eat dinner. Since the COVID-19 shutdown orders occurred in mid-March, Olive Branch made the decision to operate as much as it could, while rolling out a new initiative - a drive-through dinner distribution for children.

ARMC ER doctor among physicians to travel to NYC Pg. 4

“With all of the schools closed in and around the area, many schools and organizations are feeding children breakfast and lunch. We assessed the need and have found many children could potentially be at risk to going without a meal at dinnertime,” said Angela McClain, Olive Branch founder. “It doesn’t matter what city or community you live in, we are providing dinners to all children who drive up to Kessler Park



Olive Branch Founder Angela McClain says operating during this time is tough work, but the gratitude she receives directly from children is incomparable. 18401 Jurupa Avenue, in Bloomington. There are no signups, just drive up with your children in the vehicle,” continued McClain.

The dinner distribution is currently being held Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 5 PM to 7 PM.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday we have been handing out 300 meals to children and in total, we have serviced 1,892 individuals

“Since March, every single

Olive Branch, cont. on next pg.

Rialto Police Chief advises public to utilize Nixle for timely, accurate updates By Manny B. Sandoval

LLUH, U of Redlands offer walk -in cli ni c to homeless Pg. 5

Support our local restaurants Pg. 7


Inland Empire Community Newspapers Of f ice: (909) 381 -9898 Fax: (909) 384- 0406 E di torial: ie cn1 @mac.com Adver tising : sale s@ie cn.c om


uring the virtual Rialto City Council meeting on April 14, Mayor Deborah Robertson and other members of the council discussed which tools and resources are best to keep the community informed during the COVID-19 public health crisis. “Can I get an answer in regard to whether or not there is anyone monitoring Rialto’s social media for those of us who do try to keep up with the dialogue in our community,” asked Robertson. The mayor’s question was in regard to the high volume of Rialto residents utilizing the neighborhood social media application Nextdoor, and not always spreading the correct information to other users. “As far as monitoring Nextdoor, we do not monitor it; we occasionally look at it when someone forwards us a notification of a Updates, cont. on next pg.



Rialto Police Chief Mark Kling providing the council with RPD’s communicative platform recommendation for city residents, while practicing social distancing.

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