Rialto Record 06 25 20

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June 25, 2020

Vol 18, NO. 41

Nutrition Ser vices provides fresh, healthy meals to community www.iecn.com



Rialto Unified School District Nutrition Services has strived to provide students with healthy meals through the school closure, and will continue to do so through the summer with creative ways to deliver fresh produce harvested from local farmers and school site gardens, and healthy food made from scratch. A drive thru BBQ was held last Friday at Kucera Middle School; weekly bbqs will take place throughout the summer.

Rialto High student takes 1st place in ar t contest Pg. 5

By Fausat Rahman-Davies and Kristina Kraushaar


eturning from Spring Break should be an exciting time for students as the end of the year push is right in front of them. Unfortunately, Monday, March 23, 2020 marked the day the students of Rialto Unified did not

return to their classroom and instead encountered unprecedented school closures that forced our 26,000 students to stay home. Our students needed their teachers, principals, friends and school lunch heroes more than ever. The big question ahead of us was how to educate Nutrition, cont. on next pg.

Rialto City Council to prepare measure for public vote on use of all fireworks By Manny B. Sandoval

Fe e d i n g A m e r i c a launches first Summer of a Million Meals campaign Pg. 7


Inland Empir e Community Newspaper s Of f ice: (909) 381 -9898 Fax: (909) 384- 0406 E di torial: ie cn1 @mac.com Adver tising : sale s@ie cn.c om


n June 9, Rialto City Council rescinded the emergency declaration (order 2202) to conjure a more suitable response to the heavy use of fireworks in the community. In a 3-1 vote, council also directed staff to generate a community based ad-hoc committee to formulate solutions on how to improve upon the use of illegal fireworks…which is intended to make its way onto the November 3, 2020, ballot measure regarding the ban of all fireworks, including Safe & Sane. “On June 4, the city manager, with the recommendation of the police and fire chiefs, and serving as the director of emergency services under Council Resolution 7600 declared a local emergency in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, issued an order suspending the sale, use and possession of safe and sane fireworks in the city



Rialto City Council explores the opportunity to ban all fireworks in city limits by garnering public vote in November 2020.

of Rialto,” said Police Chief Mark Kling.

thing, and we never do anything,” said Mayor Deborah Robertson.

According to council agenda, all fireworks are illegal in 17 cities and towns, and all unincorporated areas within San Bernardino County. Safe & Sane fireworks are legal, with some restrictions, in seven cities within the county, those being Adelanto, Chino, Colton, Fontana, Grand Terrace, Rialto and San Bernardino. A June 2019 report from the joint hearings of the City’s Human Relations Commission and Neighborhood & Housing Preservation & Beautification Commission included the recommendation that Safe & Sane sales and use be prohibited in the city based upon the negative impacts on the community.

“Every year we have more and more constituents adding to this conversation and discussion regarding fireworks. There has to be a better way to do this. We are in the middle of asking ourselves, do we continue to fund the 20-25 groups that participate in the Fourth of July event every year or do we fund trying to live with Safe & Sane and illegal at the same time because we feel our children really need that opportunity to celebrate; for me it’s not balancing out,” concluded Robertson.

“I’m also hearing about constituent complaints and concerns regarding the fireworks, which are causing post traumatic stress to seniors, veterans and even animals; every year we hear some-

Mayor Pro-tem Ed Scott joined the discussion and shared that through his 18 years serving the city, each year garners more and more complaints and zero action is taken when it comes to illegal fireworks. “I clearly heard tonight, more Fireworks, cont. on next pg.

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