Vol 1 9, NO. 46
July 29, 2021
Legendar y actor, advocate, restauranteur Danny Trejo visits Rialto Unified School District During the Summer Strategics conference held annually for Rialto Unified School District administrators, legendary actor, advocate, and restauranteur, Danny Trejo surprised participants when he took to the stage at Jehue Middle School on Wednesday, July 21.
He delivered a dynamic, inspiring and entertaining presentation to over 200 in attendance about his experiences, encouraging kindness to each other, and the importance of being the encouraging voice to students.
El Sol invited to White Ho use e ve nt, r ec ogn ize d b y D r. F a u c i Pg. 4
Before speaking to more than 200 people in the Rialto Unified School District leadership team for the Summer Strategics on July 21 at Jehue Middle School, Keynote Speaker, legendary actor, advocate, and restauranteur, Danny Trejo had an intimate table talk with dignitaries: From left to right: RUSD Board Vice President Edgar Montes, Publicist Brenda Herrera from the Herrera Agency (facing back to the camera), RUSD Board Member Nancy G. O'Kelley, and RUSD Superintendent Dr. Cuauhtémoc Avila.
“Mr. Trejo was not only energetic and electrifying but he was also extremely gracious with his time," Syeda Jafri, RUSD Agent of Communication/Media Services, said. "RUSD Superintendent Dr. Cuauhtémoc Avila wanted Mr. Trejo to share his poignant and relatable message aligned with the Summer Trejo, cont. on next pg.
Senator Connie M. Leyva secures $1.05 million for Lake Rialto project By Manny B. Sandoval
esidents in the City of Rialto should be getting excited as the forthcoming Lake Rialto is turning into a reality; it’s expected to break ground early next year and reach completion around summer 2023.
Redlands Bowl season retur ns in-person
On June 28, Senator Connie M. Leyva secured $9.05 million for California’s 20th State Senate District Priorities, of which $1.05 million is being allocated towards Lake Rialto.
Pg. 8
H OW TO R E A CH U S Inland Empir e Community Newspaper s Of f ice: (909) 381 -9898 Editorial: ie cn1@ mac .com Adve r tising : sale s@iec n.c om Le gals : iec nle gals@ hotmail.com
The location of Lake Rialto is the city’s old retention basin, east of Riverside Avenue, between Santa Ana Avenue and Agua Mansa Road.
“I’m excited that I was able to successfully lead efforts to secure $1.05 million in the state budget for the creation of Lake Rialto. This resource for families in the region will expand open space and educational opportunities, offer improved water quality, and serve to enhance environmental and habitat management,” said Lake, cont. on next pg.