Vol 1 9, NO. 49
August 19, 20 21
Rialto Unified School District custodian ear ns state recognition
A staff member who has quietly been providing service to students and staff for 18 years in the Rialto Unified School District earned a State level recognition.
Students engage in science camp Pg. 4
Richard Acosta, Custodian II, at Milor/Zupanic High School earned the California School Employees Association (CSEA) “Member of the Year” award.
Richard Acosta (right), Custodian II at Milor/Zupanic High School, recently earned the California School Employees Association (CSEA) “Member of the Year” award for his commitment to serving others. Acosta, standing proudly next to Milor/Zupanic High School Principal Dr. Kyla Griffin (left), has been providing service to students and staff for 18 years in the RUSD. He was one of five CSEA members honored during CSEA’s annual State conference, held in July.
The 54-year-old was honored during CSEA’s annual State conference, which was held virtually on July 27, 2021. A short video highlighting his almost two decades of service in the RUSD played during the conference. Dr. Darren McDuffie, Rialto Unified School District’s Lead Strategic Agent of Strategics, Congruence, and Social Justice, also presented Acosta with an engraved plaque. According to Chris Cordasco, CSEA, Rialto Chapter #203 Acosta, cont. on next pg.
Enter LifeStr eam’s second annual Dream Raf f le for a chance to win a 2021 Ford Bronco or $20K
Chil dren ’s Fund sole fundraiser Monday Pg. 8
H OW TO R E A CH U S Inland Empir e Community Newspaper s Of f ice: (909) 381 -9898 Editorial: ie cn1@ mac .com Adve r tising : sale s@iec n.c om Le gals : iec nle gals@ hotmail.com
ream big – for as little as $25 – and support a life-saving cause in the
Tickets for LifeStream’s Second Annual Dream Raffle, presented by Blanke Schein Wealth Management, are on sale now through November 30. Up to $40,000 in prizes are up for grabs in the drawing that will be held December 8. This year’s grand prize winner may choose between a popular 2021 Ford Bronco Sport or $20,000 cash. Five other major prizes valued at $750 - $2,000 each also will be awarded just in time for the holidays. A maximum of 5,000 tickets will be sold. Proceeds will be used toward purchase of two new bloodmobiles that are replacing bloodmobiles taken out of service because they no longer meet State and Federal emissions standards.
PHOTO LIFESTREAM Tickets are on sale now until Nov. 30. The drawing will be held Dec. 8 with up to $40,000 in prizes including the grand prize of a brand new Ford Bronco or $20,000.
“It is essential we complete this purchase to ensure our team can remain ‘on the road’ in full force in 2022 to collect blood products to assist surgical and cancer patients; accident, burn and trau-
ma victims; even newborn babies,” said Rick Axelrod, MD, LifeStream’s president/CEO and medical director. Tickets cost $25 apiece; for
every four tickets purchased in a single $100 transaction, the buyer receives a bonus entry. Bonus Raffle, cont. on next pg.