August 01 , 2019
Vol 1 7, NO. 46
Rialto City Council modify landscape and street maintenance report, unhappy with city staff report By Manny B. Sandoval
www.iecn.com Gloria’s Cor ner Pg. 3
Stude nts rec eive Diana Harrison Mem orial Sc ho lar s hip
Pg. 6
n Tuesday, July 23rd, Rialto City Council approved the Engineer’s Reports and Ordering of the Levy of Assessments for Fiscal Year 2019/2020 for Street Light Maintenance District No. 1, Resolution No. 7540 for Landscape Maintenance District No. 1, and Resolution No. 7541 for Landscaping and Lighting District No. 2; but with a modification. “The Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, beginning with Section 22500 of the California Streets and Highways Code, requires the City Council to order the preparation of an Engineer’s Report each year which details the levying of special assessments for the three separate Special Districts established within the City of Rialto,” said Acting Public Works Director Sean Grayson. “The City established SLD 1 throughout the entire city to fund
the operation of the city’s street light system consisting of over 3,750 street lights, and to fund costs for tree trimming and maintenance. Proposition 218 limits the special assessments levied in SLD 1 to the historic maximum special assessment prior to November 1996,” continued Grayson. Another area explored in the report was possible savings in regard to converting landscape around the city from turf to drought tolerant landscape. “Council requested an analysis of water and labor costs resulting from recent conversion of turf areas to drought tolerant landscaping, in accordance with California Water Use Reduction Mandates. The primary purpose of the turf conversions was to reduce potable water consumption for landscaping purposes in accordance with State water use restrictions and reduction mandates,” Grayson said. “Downtown Riverside Avenue median conversion provides an
City staff will return at a later date with a refined engineer’s report and ordering of the levy of assessments for fiscal year 2019/2020. accurate basis for determining the reduction in water consumption because it has a water meter dedicated to the entire area converted from turf to drought tolerant landscaping. The conversion project on Riverside Avenue included the medians between Foothill Boulevard and the railroad tracks located just north of 1st Street,” continued Grayson. According to the city council agenda, the general plan consistency includes preserve and improve established residential
neighborhoods in Rialto, create distinctive gateways at all entry points into Rialto and for individual districts or neighborhoods, design new streets to be pedestrian friendly, achieve quality aesthetic design of all signage in the City of Rialto, provide high-quality and environmentally sustainable landscaping, encourage neighborhood preservation, stabilization, and property maintenance and ensure high-quality planned developments in Rialto. Report, cont. on next pg.
Dan Flores raises $262,000 in campaign for 5th District Super visor Community News
olton Joint Unified School Board Member Dan Flores’ campaign for San Bernardino County 5th District Supervisor announced on July 23 that it has raised $262,000. Flores’ campaign ended the June reporting period with cash on hand of over $200,000. Flores, a Colton native, has served the County of San Bernardino as a school board member and Chief of Staff to 5th District Supervisor, Josie Gonzales, since 2005.
CUSM students’ W hite Coat Ceremony Pg. 12
INSIDE Gloria’s Corner
Words To Think About 5 Opinion
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Dan Flores launched his campaign for 5th District Supervisor earlier this year with the full support of Supervisor Josie Gonzales, Colton Mayor Frank Navarro, and Colton Joint Unified School Board President Joanne Thoring-Ojeda.
Flores launched his campaign for 5th District Supervisor earlier this year with the full support of Supervisor Josie Gonzales, Colton Mayor Frank Navarro, and Colton Joint Unified School Board President Joanne ThoringOjeda. Commenting on his campaign in the 5th District race, Flores stated:
“I am from the Fifth District, and I am proud to raise my three children in the same neighborhood where I grew up. Through hard work, determination, and with the help of financial aid, I was the first generation in my family to graduate from college. I’m running for Supervisor to make sure that San Bernardino County provides residents with the opportunity to earn a good living, offers great education and workforce options, and builds a better future for the next generation. As a school board member and Chief of Staff, I’m proud of the work we’ve accomplished to improve public safety, expand access to education, deliver affordable housing & healthcare, and support quality economic development in our region.” As a member of the Colton Joint Unified School District Board, and as past president, Flores, cont. on next pg.