August 1 5, 2019
Vol 1 7, NO. 48
Nearly 700 backpacks given out to Lewis Elementar y students on first day of school much damage that office operations had to move to the library — leaving the students temporarily without access to the library.
Community News
www.iecn.com Gloria’s Cor ner Pg. 3
est Best & Krieger LLP handed out backpacks filled with school supplies to every student at Mary B. Lewis Elementary School in Bloomington on the first day of school, Aug. 7. Along with local and school officials, BB&K gave out 675 backpacks to the transitional kindergarten through 6th grade students.
“This gift of backpack donations is such a blessing for Mary B. Lewis Elementary,” said Principal Cathy Cervantes. “This will make such a big difference for many of our students and families as the new school year begins. Our students will remember this experience for a very long time! Thank you Best Best & Krieger law firm for your generosity!”
This is the 10th year that BB&K has participated in Operation Backpack. Through donations from the firm’s attorneys, staff and vendors, the firm has helped more than 5,000 California families by giving away the backpacks and supplies.
Ser vice clubs treat students to shopping spree Pg. 5
Many of the students at Lewis Elementary come from low income families, and the school is a Title One school. Last year, the school, its students and staff faced challenges, including vandals that left the school without power and telephone service. Then, a few days later, the office was broken into, causing so
Anthony Palomino, a 2nd grader at Lewis B. Elementary School in Bloomington, shows off his new backpack filled with supplies from Best Best & Krieger LLP during Operation Backpack on the first day of school. All 675 students at the school received one.
“We’re pleased to help the Mary B. Lewis Elementary School students start the school year with all the supplies they need to learn, focus and do great,” said BB&K Partner Carlos Campos, who represents the City of Colton. “Personally, it is an honor to support the Coltonarea community through Operation Backpack and I’m proud to belong to a firm that gives back in this way, and many others, each year.” More photos on next pg.
Fami lie s me et te a ch er s, sta f f du rin g Elementar y Back to School night Students take advanta ge of free college Pg. 6
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As Rialto USD students finished the end of the their first week back for the 2019-2020 school year, parents had the opportunity to meet their child’s teacher and school staff at the District-wide Elementary Back to School Night. All 19 elementary schools welcomed families onto their campuses to help kick-off the new school year, and share in the festive atmosphere. Pictured is Mrs. Nieblas introducing herself to her 5th grade Curtis Elementary School class during Back to School Night on August 8. More photos on next page.