Rialto Record 09 02 21

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Vol 19, NO. 51

September 2, 2021

New parent advocacy g roup Alianza Latina aims to increase Latino parent enga gement in school district


lianza Latina has arrived with welcoming open arms.

Rialto Unified School District has welcomed the newest parent/student advocacy organization as a part of its education community, strongly building the parent, student and school triangle of success.


Alianza Latina is a new parent group, which has impressively already gained momentum through recruiting approximately 50 members at large within a couple of weeks of inception.

“No labor is insignificant” Pg. 6



Alianza Latina Vice President, left, Ana Gonzalez and President Luvia Nava hold up the Alianza Latina logo. The new parent group in the Rialto Unified School District held its inaugural meeting on August 26 with almost 50 participants joining the virtual session.

This group aims to increase Latino parent engagement across the District’s 29 schools and create a safe space to make positive impacts for students. It is widely recognized that the District, which has a student population of over 86 percent Latino, 8 percent Alianza, cont. on next pg.

Never Stop Grinding Impact brings Total Physical Response to Rialto Unified School District off of virtual learning, since March 2020, and an imperative experience to transition back into in-person classroom learning.

By Manny B. Sandoval


Video game creator returns to invest in San Bernardino Pg. 5

H OW TO R E A CH U S Inland Empire Community Newspapers Of f ice: (909) 381 -9898 Editorial: ie cn1@ mac .com Adve r tising : sale s@iec n.c om Le gals : iec nle gals@ hotmail.com

arious Harris, founder of Never Stop Grinding Impact, is collaborating with Rialto Unified School District and Program Director Tameka Grayson for Total Physical Response (TPR), a program geared to strengthen students’ social emotional learning and access to physical education.

“More than anything, this program teaches self-love and TPR is important, especially through this pandemic because we don’t know how children have been affected emotionally, so we’re addressing children’s emotional needs and tending to their mental health,” continued Harris.

“Tameka and I are Carter High School alumni and we reconnected to bring the TPR program to students at Morgan Elementary School beginning September 7 and soon to be available to students at all level schools across the district. The program is tailored to improve students’ selfcontrol, self-care, problem solving and nutrition; it’ll show students how to handle emotions better,” said Harris. This specific type of programming is coming to the district at a time where students are coming

The program is utilizing social emotional learning (SEL), which is known as an imperative component of human development and is comprised of five areas of competence, including selfawareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decisionmaking. TAMEKA GRAYSON Darious Harris, left, is leading the physical portion of the Total Physical Response program where he’s teaching students jabs and more. PHOTO

“Our intentions are to set the tone with students and show them Program, cont. on next pg.

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