Vo l 20, NO. 3
September 30, 2021
Rialto’s Wom-Empir e Community event features San Ber nardino ar tist By Manny B. Sandoval
ith over 50 years under his belt, San Bernardino resident and distinguished artist Dorsey Clarett has kept busy creating paintings for family, friends and the public.
Recently, 10 pieces of his art were showcased and for sale at Rialto’s Wom-Empire Community Event celebrating small businesses, entrepreneurs, diversity and culture to coincide with National Hispanic Heritage Month.
Stater Bros. donates $100K for cancer care
PHOTO COURTESY ALBERT CALDERON Artist Dorsey Clarett with one of his paintings, many of which feature a gloss finish, like this abstract seashell painting that is on display at Wom-Empire in Rialto.
Pg. 4
“Ten of my 20x16 modern abstract paintings were on display and sold at the Wom-Empire event this past weekend. I’ve probably created over 100 paintings over the years and my family told me I can’t keep them all, so Clarett, cont. on next pg.
Rialto USD begins hiring process for multiple positions
f you enjoy working with the younger generation and want to make a difference, then the Rialto Unified School District just might be the perfect place for you to continue your career.
New center to provide training, education for future leaders Pg. 8
H OW TO R E A CH U S Inland Empir e Community Newspaper s Of f ice: (909) 381 -9898 Editorial: ie cn1@ mac .com Adve r tising : sale s@iec n.c om Le gals : iec nle gals@ hotmail.com
“Hiring employees in the Rialto Unified School District is critical to sustaining a high-quality education for our students and setting the standard for Customer C.A.R.E (Communication, Appreciation, Responsiveness, Environment) in our community,” Dr. Rhea McIver Gibbs, RUSD Lead Personnel Agent, stated. “Rialto deserves the best. Exemplary staff is at the heart of the District’s mission to serve our students and their families.” Employees who work six hours or more per day are eligible to receive free health care, including medical, dental, vision, and life insurance. RUSD, cont. on next pg.
Cheryl Whiteside, a crossing guard at Preston Elementary School, helps a family cross the road after school let out one recent afternoon. The Rialto Unified School District is currently hiring for multiple positions, including crossing guards.