Rialto Record 09 03 20

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Sept. 0 3, 2020

Vol 18, NO. 51

Rialto Unified collects affected computer devices, distance lear ning resumes for Pre-K - 8th grade By Maryjoy Duncan


he Rialto Unified School District fell victim to an external malware attack on Friday, Aug. 21 that resulted in the immediate suspension of the district’s internet and technology systems including distance learning. It was determined the attack targeted Windows devices issued to high school students, and district personnel prioritized the collection of those devices last week.


Cra fton’s Summer Bridge Pr og ram produces college scholars Pg. 5

Chromebooks distributed to Pre-K through 8th grade were not affected, and students resumed distance learning on Monday, Aug. 31. High school students will return to Bridge Academy at a later date.



Rialto High School staff leaders, from left to right: RHS science teacher Shital Kavia, RHS Assistant Principal Alejandro Olmos, RHS Principal Dr. Caroline Sweeney, RHS English teacher/Links Advisor Melissa Kromas, and RHS English teacher Larry Bush.

According to RUSD Communications Director Syeda Jafri Windows devices will be individually inspected during the Malware, cont. on next pg.

Rialto opening its cooling center ahead of five-day heat wave By Manny B. Sandoval


ne program special to the city of Rialto is its Rialto Cooling Center, which is available to all city residents.

Inland Center Mall reopens Pg. 7

H OW TO R E A CH U S Inland Empir e Community Newspaper s Of f ice: (909) 381 -9898 Editorial: ie cn1@ mac .com Adve r tising : sale s@iec n.c om Le gals : iec nle gals@ hotmail.com

As the region prepares to head into a five-day, over 100-degree heat wave on Friday, September 4, Rialto’s community services department has been busy preparing to keep residents cool. “The Rialto Cooling Center provides an opportunity for the Rialto public to escape the heat and relax in one of our chilled city buildings,” said Sean Grayson, interim community services director. The building that is currently hosting the program is the Carl Johnson Community Center, which is located at 214 N. Palm Avenue. Cooling, cont. on next pg.


As the vegetation continues to dry and another heat advisory warning issued, Rialto is preparing to operate its cooling center housed at the Carl Johnson Community Center, 214 N. Palm Ave.

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