Septem ber 26, 201 9
Vol 18, N O. 0 2
SCAG executive director pr esents housing repor t to city council By Manny B. Sandoval
www.iecn.com Gloria’s Cor ner Pg. 3
D r. A b e r s o l d ’ s close calls Pg. 5
n Tuesday, September Kome Ajise, 10 Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Executive Director, visited Rialto City Council to discuss housing needs in the city.
our folks. Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) has found that we have not produced as much housing as we could,” said Ajise.
“I would like to say welcome and thank you for coming to our city. We had the benefit of giving him the opportunity to see what goes on in Rialto and some of our emerging technology. I would like to thank Sean Grayson and Tom Crowley for making this happen,” said Mayor Deborah Robertson.
“In the regional determination process HCD provides a regional determination in consultation with SCAG and the Department of Finance. During 2006 to 2014 the fourth regional cycle determination was 699,368. In 2013 to 2021 the fifth regional cycle determination was 412,137. In this sixth cycle, between 2021 to 2029 we need to produce 1,344,740 units of housing over the eight year cycle of the sixth cycle,” Ajise said.
Ajise began his presentation by sharing that Mayor Robertson has done a great job at making sure SCAG does not forget about the city of Rialto.
In the 2021 to 2029 cycle, the city of Rialto will need to provide housing by almost three times the amount that was recommended in the 2013 to 2021 cycle.
Southern California Association of Governments Executive Director Kome Ajise, visiting Rialto City Council on September 10.
“We’re working on the regional housing assessment, we do this every eight years. We are charged by state law to do this and it’s intended to provide housing for
“For context, back in the 70’s and 80’s we were producing housing for almost two people. Over time, we have cut back. Where we are today in terms of
affordable housing is a result of delayed supply. We are in a process of assigning housing needs to cities and counties,” continued Ajise.
Within the SCAG region, there are 197 jurisdictions, 191 cities and six counties (Imperial, Los Report, cont. on next pg.
H o t P i n k H i g h H e e l S t e e l To e B o o t s Wa l k i n R i a l t o c a n c e l l e d By Manny B. Sandoval
ighting 4 the Tatas was scheduled to host its second annual Hot Pink High Heel Steel Toe Boots Walk on Saturday, October 5 at 8 a.m., at Rialto City Park.
Short film explores homelessness
Following the three-mile walk, a free family friendly festival in the park featuring vendors, food, drinks and a kid’s zone was scheduled.
Pg. 7
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“The Breast Cancer Awareness Festival in the Park was designed to educate and support those dealing with Inflammatory Breast Cancer, Triple Negative IBC, Invasive Ductal, Locally Advance and all other breast cancers,” said Fighting 4 the Tatas Ceo Joshlyn Earls.
The walk was cancelled due to permit issues.
Gloria’s Corner
Words To Think About 5
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Senator Norma J. Torres honored Joshlyn Earls, founder of Fighting 4 the Tatas Inflammatory Breast Cancer Organization, as Woman of the Year in 2015.
After last years’ walk was met with tons of support in the city, over 400 community members attended, the 501c3 organization Walk, cont. on next pg.