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W e e k l y RIALTO RECORD Vol 20, NO. 7

October 28, 2021

Happy 100th bir thday to Aron Hill!




Charles Aron Hill, a 65-year Bloomington resident, will be celebrating the milestone 100th birthday on Monday, Nov. 1. He is pictured with his beloved, late wife, Mable. By Marina Rojas

Fundraiser supports youth music programs Pg. 4


harles Aron Hill of Bloomington will be celebrating his 100th Birthday on November 1, 2021.!He is best known to family and friends as Aron. Aron was born in Childress

County, Texas, as the third child in a family that boasted a total of 11 children. He grew up during the Great Depression and did not attend high school but began working at a very young age at his uncle’s ranch and other local ranches.! At the age of 14, he started working with the Civilian Conservation Corps (a

Depression-era public works program initiated by President Franklin D. Roosevelt).! He worked in erosion control programs in New Mexico and then returned to Texas to work on the ranches.! Soon, however, Aron hitchhiked

to San Diego to join his sister and her husband; he worked washing dishes in a downtown hotel there until he received his military draft notice and returned to Texas. Hill, cont. on next pg.

RUSD celebrates Halloween with Tr unk or Treat, Book Mania events


repare yourself for a day of literacy plus a few tricks and treats into the evening across the Rialto Unified School District on Friday, Oct. 29. Friday in the RUSD will begin with Book Mania, a literacy event for elementary schools across the district. Later that day, the entire community is invited to a drive-thru Trunk or Treat event at select RUSD school sites from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Please see the end of the article for a full list of participating school sites.

48-Hour Film Project brings opportunities to IE Pg. 5

H OW TO R E A CH U S Inland Empire Community Newspapers Of f ice: (909) 381 -9898 Editorial: ie cn1@ mac .com Adve r tising : sale s@iec n.c om Le gals : iec nle gals@ hotmail.com



Simpson Elementary School Principal Cristina Swanson-Hernandez passes out candy during the Rialto Unified School District’s Trunk or Treat event in 2020. This year Simpson Elementary School is one of 15 schools across the district hosting a Trunk or Treat event.

Literacy is certainly no trick. It’s fundamental to education. Book Mania is part of the Rialto Unified School District’s Foundations: Literacy & Numeracy Initiative, which focuses on developing and celebrating literacy and math skills in students. Book Mania will conHalloween, cont. on next pg.

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