Octobe r 15 , 2020
Vol 1 9, NO. 05
Rialto native, Eisenhower g raduate Vanessa Rumbles ear ns Emmy for CNN news segment
Eisenhower High School Class of 2003 graduate and now CNN Line Producer Vanessa Rumbles, left, and CNN Director Rebecca Taylor, working diligently in the control room.
Oct. 3 declared Inflammatory Breast Cancer Awareness Day Pg. 4
By Manny B. Sandoval
Editorial and Opinion.
September 28, n Eisenhower High School Class of 2003 and California State University Fullerton graduate Vanessa Rumbles, earned an Emmy for Outstanding News Analysis
Rumbles, who works as a line producer for CNN’s New Day Weekend in Atlanta, contributed to a news segment in response to Trump’s attack where he stated Representative Elijah Cummings' district, which includes
Pg. 6
H OW TO R E A CH U S Inland Empir e Community Newspaper s Of f ice: (909) 381 -9898 Editorial: ie cn1@ mac .com Adve r tising : sale s@iec n.c om Le gals : iec nle gals@ hotmail.com
The anchor that Rumbles was producing the segment with, Victor Blackwell, just so happened to be a Baltimore native. “Infested he says…which is
“There are challenges, no doubt, but people are proud of their community. People get up and go to work there, they care for their families and love their children who pledge allegiance to the flag…just like people who live in districts of congressmen who support you, sir. They are Americans, too,” concluded Vanessa, cont. on next pg.
West Valley Water District announces ambitious water filtration facility expansion
Club offers services for LLU and SAC healthcare workers
Baltimore, is a "very dangerous and filthy, infested place.”
what the President said about Representative Cummings’ district and he Tweeted that no human would want to live there. You know who lived there, Mr. President? I did,” said an emotional Blackwell.
ue to unprecedented population growth and rising peak summer usage, the West Valley Water District (WVWD) announced that it will expand treatment capacity for the region by 16 million gallons per day through the ambitious Oliver P. Roemer Water Filtration Facility Expansion Project.
orities, this new project will ensure that our ratepayers have clean, safe water for decades to come,” said WVWD Board President Channing Hawkins. “GHD is a leader in environmental infrastructure engineering and this project couldn’t be in better hands.”
WVWD selected GHD Inc., a global infrastructure engineering firm with extensive treatment facility experience, to assist with the planning and construction of the Roemer expansion project. GHD Inc. will analyze existing facilities, evaluate expansion plans for feasibility and costeffectiveness and assist in the selection of a design-build firm.
Ranked 25th on Engineering News-Record’s ranking of top 500 design firms in 2019, GHD is a global leader in infrastructure engineering with more than 10,000 employees and 200 offices worldwide. With offices in Los Angeles, Moreno Valley, Long Beach, Irvine and San Diego, GHD has a distinguished history of working with municipalities and local agencies in Southern California since 1951.
“We want to make sure that our Water District is set up for longterm success. With water safety and sustainability as our top pri-
In recent years, GHD has been awarded $1.3 billion in infrastructure projects in Southern California alone. The firm
recently completed the Water Replenishment District’s Groundwater Reliability Improvement Project (GRIP) in Southern Los Angeles County and is working on the Doheny Ocean Desalination Plant Project in South Orange County and Arcadia Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project for the City of Santa Monica.
For WVWD, GHD will: • evaluate the existing Roemer facility and provide recommendations for system rehabilitation, replacement and redundancy • conduct a functional stress test of the existing Roemer facility to assess the plant’s maximum operational capacity Expansion, cont. on next pg.