Vo l 20, NO. 9
Novembe r 11 , 2021
RUSD's "Dia de los Muer tos" retur ns with a vibrant celebration
onoring loved ones and paying tribute to families and friends gone by, hundreds gathered outside for the Rialto Unified School District’s 2nd Annual “Dia de los Muertos” (Day of the Dead) celebration. Postponed last school year, due to the pandemic, the community honored loved ones who have passed with a rich cultural event on November 2. Dia de los Muertos was held outside at the Cesar Chavez/Dolores Huerta Center for Education and was attended by a crowd of 600, who experienced the ofrendas (altars), dancing, food, calaveritas (poem readings), catrinas (painted faces) and more.
IECN salutes veterans and their families
“I’m very happy, as a parent, and as a school board member, to see that the community is ready DDLM, cont. on next pg.
Sophie Maiz, Jehue Middle School student, performs with Garcia Elementary School’s Ballet Folklorico group perform to the song “Baile La Llorona” during the Rialto Unified School District’s Dia de los Muertos celebration on Nov. 2. Maiz trains with the Garcia dancers. The event was filled with culturally rich performances as the community celebrated loved ones who have passed.
NORMS Rialto celebrates grand opening, hosting hiring fair
embers of the community came out on Tuesday, Nov. 2 to celebrate the long-awaited opening of NORMS in Rialto at the Renaissance Marketplace. Attendees included city of Rialto Mayor Deborah Robertson, Rialto Councilman Andy Carrizales, members of local law enforcement and NORMS leadership.
Next week, Monday, November 15th through Thursday, November 18 from 9 am - 5 pm, NORMS Restaurants will be hosting a hiring fair at the new location.
sought for Salvation Ar my Red K ettles Pg. 4
Business is booming and the iconic SoCal diner is looking for enthusiastic potential team members to help staff their newest location at the Rialto Renaissance Marketplace.
H OW TO R E A CH U S Inland Empir e Community Newspaper s Of f ice: (909) 381 -9898 Editorial: ie cn1@ mac .com Adve r tising : sale s@iec n.c om Le gals : iec nle gals@ hotmail.com
On Tuesday, Nov. 2 the community came out to celebrate the long-awaited opening of NORMS Restaurant in the Renaissance Parkway.
For full time employees, NORMS offers the following benefits: Hiring, cont. on next pg.