Nove mber 01, 2018
Vol 1 7, NO. 07
Incumbents Joe Baca Jr., Ed Scott seek reelection to City Council By Manny Sandoval
THIS WEEK Gloria’s Cor ner Pg. 3
oe Baca Jr. has been a part of Rialto City Council for 12 years.
ity of Rialto Mayor ProTem Ed Scott’s current term is coming to an end - he is up for reelection and faces challengers Karla Perez and Ana Gonzalez.
He is also a full-time teacher at Rialto High School and serves as the school’s varsity softball coach. Baca says he plans to focus on public safety, economic development and open park space. “My focus would be on public Safety…ensuring that we have adequate services. We’re going to try and have more police officers on the streets; people need to feel safe. Also, making sure the fire department has its essential equipment. Just this past week we had a groundbreaking for the new fire station-205. We didn't have one in the south and this will address lots of those issues on the south end,” said Baca.
Remember to vote Nov. 6!
By Manny Sandoval
Baca said he supports the economic development in Rialto.
Joe Baca Jr. has served on the Rialto City Council for 12 years.
“I have 16 years of experience in this. Experience goes a long way. I see that the new council members are doing a great job, but I have the time - I’m retired,” Scott, who was first elected into office in 1996, said. “Serving on city council requires lots of daytime meetings and I have the time to engage with the residents of this community. I can go to their homes to help take care of them and their issues. I can commit to this.”
“With Rialto Renaissance and the Market Place, we now have He says that his vision is to keep more jobs and amenities for our the city moving forward. community. It’s taken 12 years to get here,” continued Baca. “My vision is to keep moving forward and make it a better comHe is also a supporter of open munity to live and work in. We’re park space. a community that works well and respects each other. Especially in Baca, cont. on pg. 2
Rialto Mayor Pro-Tem Ed Scott has over 16 years experience on the city council. the world we live in today because of political affiliation and diversity. We’re striving to move forward, we want the community to work and stay here and build their own families,” continued Scott. Scott, cont. on pg. 2
British Lord Mayor Duncan Sandys visits Bloomington High
INSIDE Gloria’s Corner
Words To Think About 12 Opinion
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Lord Mayor Duncan Sandys from Westminster, England (Pictured middle and great-grandson of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill) formally invited the Bloomington High School band to participate in the 2020 London New Year’s Day Parade on Thursday, Oct. 25. Community News
loomington High School hosted a very special guest from across the pond on Thursday, Oct. 25. Lord Mayor Duncan Sandys from Westminster (London),
England paid a visit to the school to officially invite the Bloomington High School band to participate in the 2020 London New Year’s Day Parade! Invitations also have been extended to members of the Colton High and Grand Terrace High bands who would like to
join them, BHS Band Director Victor Torres said. Thursday’s program included a performance by the Bloomington High School band, and a formal invitation to the parade from Lord Mayor Sandys, who also is the great-grandson of famed British Prime Minister Winston
Churchill. London Parade founder Bob Bone, Executive Director of Destination Events (the organization that coordinates the parade); and Gary Locke, United States Parade, cont. on next page